Chapter 27: Tangled

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(Unknown artist, I'm also sorry if you wear expecting a spicy chapter. But I want to explore more of the soft nature of the story. Forgive me. I will write a spicy one for readers soon. 🙏)
         Rolling over with just memories of the day and night before. Your hand searching the the blankets and sheets for the body you went to sleep with. Letting out a squeak sound as your hand touched something soft and warm. Sitting up you smiled a little liking at a massive plushy. Laughing at the white bear. "Damn it Satoru..." soft smile on your face. How could you be angry with him leaving when he did things like this.
       Rubbing your face into the soft fur as you curled back around it. Today was your day off as it wear. As much as you wanted to sleep in. Still a since of dread that Satoru had to leave early. Eventually you gave up and sat up in bed. Petting the bears head you smiled. "I'm naming you Yuki." Snickering at how one of Satoru's blindfolds was tied around its head. "He's figured out how lonely it is when he's not here hu?"
       Eventually you slipping out of bed taking the medicine on the nightstand. Before heading into the shower. Blushing all over again wrapping arms around your middle. "Where does he get the audacity to call his girlfriend a cream puff. Makes me want to make some. They would probably tasted better then me at this rate. English pastries. Why not give them a try."
       Getting dressed in the usual uniform, walking down the halls. Flipping through the internet for recipes as you hummed. Looking up just as you nearly ran into someone. "Oof I'm sorry."
       "Don't be. Gojo looked relaxed today, not that he isn't usually but... it's good. Sometimes he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders." Yaga looked at your phone as he spoke. "New recipes?"
       "I'm a baker, of corse!" A soft smile as you tilted your head.
       "Looking forward to it." Yaga smiled as he moved off down another hallway.
       You nodded and waved as you walking into the kitchen. Writing down the recipes on paper off your phone to try. Working the time away on experimenting. Only to look up shocked when the kids wondered in drooling.
      "I... um they are almost done. What to try them?" You wear just setting them out on plates as it was.
      "Yes!" Itadori reached forward with out thinking. Only to have his hand slapped away by you.
      "They are still super hot! Just take a plate." You shoved the massive serving plate over and laughed a little at the pout Itadori gave. Only to grin child like and swipe the whole tray for everyone. "Enjoy the study snack." You waved them off as you set out to make a better batch.
      Eventually your mind started to wonder. About anything and everything until. The memories locked away, first it was the smell. Then the blood, before oceans and oceans of sand. Some of it blue some of it gold. The next thing you knew you wear blinking as your vision was filled with wood. Your head pounding as you sat up on the floor.
      Looking down on the floor their was a small pool of blood.  Only to hear dragon speaking. "You really want that? I'm not sure you do. Not yet."
       "I didn't mean to.... how long?" You stood up slowly sighing as the treats didn't seemed ruined. It had only been for a few seconds. "Shit."
       "Hey everything ok?" Someone called through the door as you went to clean the blood up.
      "Ya! I'm fine." Sighing a little as you scrubbed. "Starting to think this is the worst place to come to." Eventually finishing up baking, smuggling the food and lunch back to Satoru's room. Setting them on the table as you ate your lunch. Playing around with the tv. That was until you passed by a tv history channel. The remote dropping from your hand. Your home town being played on it but, it was all fixed up.
       "What!?" You stood up watching as Jinx of all people was on the TV in front of it.
       "Come on down to our beautiful town! Ever since the corporation was busted apart from the inside. We have moved or work into restoring this town. Now it's open to our ancient town renewed! It's a hot spot for hot springs." Her eyes sharpened for just a second. "One and all are welcome. Just fallow the golden road home. Well be waiting."
       "Why!?" You went to move but everything blurred again as your chest tightened. The damn commercial was playing on loop. "Damn... it..."
       "Fairy! Leave it to the geezers to put up a commercial." Satoru?
      Everything was so foggy the tv shut off. Warmth as you clung to Satoru and his sent. "What?" You blinked as you saw the floor and nearly screamed. The floor covered in blue and gold sand.
      "Fairy stay calm. It's just sand I promise it isn't hurting anything. Though it did make for a fun Instagram picture. Look I even made a sand angel over there." Satoru pointed to a spot rubbed down to the floor.
You couldn't help it at that point. Tears of relief slipping down your cheeks as laughter bubbled out of your chest. "Did you real.... make a sand angel... in my panic attack?"
"Well Ya, what else are we going to do with all this sand? Oh!!! Wait! The worlds biggest glitter bomb! Only it's hand! We better shovel all this in a pretty big trash bag. Yaga is going to love this!" Satoru started to snicker but instead he held you tightly. "It was that commercial wasn't it?"
       "I.... y... ya... is it... are they trying to.."
      "Probably, Jinx went off grid only to reappear here. She hasn't been talking to old men. She's acting on her own it would seem."
       "Then, it's still a trap."
      "Like the parent trap, only it's just dragging you to a location. A vacation would be nice but... not at the cost of your mental health. Once you snap, it's hard to come back." Satoru's eyes held a darkness in those bright blues.
     It took you a moment before you cupped his face. Running your thumb across his cheek with a smile. "Think the kids want another beach trip then?"
      "Mmm I'm thinking an amusement park would be fun for them. Your only kids once." Satoru narrowed his eyes slight before stealing a kiss from your lips. "Fairy, I don't want to lose you. No one is going to die while I'm around."
     "I believe you." You smiled softly as all the sand turned white and vanished. Your eyes widening as you looked at it. "Oh no! The glitter bomb..."
     Satoru laughed as he stood up with you in his arms. "Guess we are just going to have to make more aren't we? Maybe we should just order real glitter. I've seen some videos on glitter bombing cars. Seems like fun doesn't it?"
     You let out a Yelp as a flash went off. You looked at his phone. Did he just take a picture of you? "Satoru!"
      "Your blushing face is just to cute. Sorry Fairy but that's how it is." Spinning before setting you down and grabbing a cream puff off the table. "Mnnn I made you a cream puff... you you made some for me? If this is how I'm going to keep nicknaming you call kinds of treats. Because your the sweetest of treats after all."
      Your eyes widened as you put your hands on either side of your face. "How can you say that! So cheesy with a straight face."
      "Because it's my super power, well besides being a god on earth that is." Satoru sighed as he yawned turning on a movie. Before flipping over so his head was in your lap. "It was a real drag today."
     "Satoru..." You sighed half smiling running fingers through his hair. "Relax, I'm not going anywhere."
      "Sure your not, for now. Just... if you leave. Make sure you tell everyone where your going. Your as likely to rip yourself apart as you are to destroy everything. Just come back alive." He smiled almost knowingly as his eyes closed slowly.

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