Chapter 14: Somber Reality

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(Unknown Artist)
        Pulling up to the area, it was like a small war zone. Tents popped up around this massive house. "No ones come out yet." Said someone who looked far to much like a priest. "Those who have gone in have been thrown out dying."
You looked over at the hospital tent before looking at Satoru. Your butterfly wings and feels extending out your body just with the thought. Satoru seemed to looked at you from under his blindfold and nodded. "Alright. I'll deal with it. She's going to save those she can. Take her to the medical tent." He didn't sound the least bit jovial about this. No, he clearly wanted blood.
He vanished in a moment but you where all ready fallowing the scent of blood. Making your way to the medical tent. Your eyes widened to find dozens of people laying on the ground almost unrecognizable. You whimpered as you pushed to your limit. The butterfly wings streaching out past that of even your normal fairy size as they fluttered. The world covered in gold and blue dust. Wounds reversing on them all at the same time. With so many, it was going to be slow going.
The priest stumbled in after you as the other healers looked in astonishment. "Are you... a special grade sorcerer?" He asked curiously.
You shrugged in response. "Everyone out this could hurt someone not injured."
Many did just that bolting from the tent. "Yes, we will maintain the protective barrier." Said the strange man. His tone almost smug.
Your eyes flicked over towards him for a moment before focusing on the injured. "Don't trust that one at all. Satoru better come back in one piece."
You started to sway as you moved to sit in the middle crossing your legs as you closed your eyes focusing on everyone. "If you keep this rate up your going to sleep all day again." You jumped looking at Satoru as he stood beside you. "Most of them are out of danger now."
"How was it inside?" You said softly as he sat down next to you. The dust not touching him at all.
"Far to easy. Something is wrong. I don't like it."
"Do you think it's a trap?"
"I do. But I don't think it's one for me. I'm sure they didn't think I would bring you with me. My missions are usually extremely dangerous, or boring. Not something I would take anyone on. Then again I do show my students tough love by giving them my missions once in a while." He reached up and rubbed your head with his hand. "You really should stop here. They will make it. All the internal damage is gone. Doctors can handle the rest of it."
You rubbed your eyes as you looked at him with a smile. "Is it? I can't... see straight. Playing with Itadori really took it out of me too."
Satoru laughed a little as he covered your eyes with his hand. You blinked in the darkness slumping into him as the wings vanished. "Is really easy to get you to stop. What are you going to do if someone covers your eyes in a fight? Or you go blind by a special grade curse?"
"Hey want to eat some Ramon tonight? Sounds really good right now." You laughed a little as you leaned against him. "It's only because we... I. I trust you with every fiber of my being."
"I don't know if that's wise or not. I really am the strongest there is. I also want to rip down the system and start it over. Ramon, sounds great. If I pull my hand away will you stop for real or do I need to walk you out?"
"If they are really alright now I can walk out just fine." You puffed up your cheeks in defense. "Your going to sit in the kitchen so I can make it right?"
"Sure but then everyone else will want some to. Maybe I should lock everyone else out." He chuckled as he pulled his hand away from your eyes.
"Well I can make some for everyone I think... we need to stop by the store and get ingredients." You stood up and stumbled a moment leaning against Satoru as he held you upright with a hand. He looked down at you and frowned.
"You can't see at all anymore can you."
"Can too!" You looked at his blurry form and rubbed the back of your head. "It's just hard right now."
He shook his head and walked ahead of you slowly. Making sure you kept up. He looked to the fuzzy form of the man next to you. As you walked out of the tent. "They should be stable now. We are headed back to the school. Careful with transport."
The man bowed as he looked over at you. "Oh dear what's wrong with her eyes. They seem to be all out of focus."
You looked down. That's when you noticed the shinigami at your ankle. It was something akin to a snake. The blurry form reared back as you formed a sword like heel to your boot and stomped on it. Wavering to the side. "Oh me I'm fine." You said and grinned. "Just hungry."
Satoru seemed to notice it to because he had a little ball of something forming at his finger. One second you wear wavering the next you wear sitting in the car next to him. "How!" You cried out at you looked at Satoru. "I'm the time user here how did you... do that!?" You murmured as you fell over your head in his lap.
"Secret." He was caressing your head as he chuckled. "You need to open that door more, you would have more energy available then. Wouldn't need to keep resting so much. Ijichi we are going to pick up some Ramen to go on the way home."
"Only if I get some too. I'm not just your shofar you know. I do other things too. I do have to report the the higher ups." He pulled out of the driveway.
"And your the best at what you do. But if I find you tell anyone how I treat her differently. I will personally make a belt out of your intestines." Satoru snickered as he caressed your head on his lap.
"You know she just pulled herself off deaths door. Why put her through so much?"
"Because things are only going to get harder. I will not lose my fairy like I've lost so many others." Satoru looked at the phone in his hand. With you out like a light he sighed. "They are moving. Others things outside the council. I'm positive Jinx is the one who took her. She can't reverse curse energy to heal her face wound. The cuts on her face had blue dust in them."
"You think one of them wants her dead still. They don't like it when you get what you want do they."
"No they do not. The other schools are asking for teacher exchanges. They don't want me teaching they want to exchange cooks. I don't like it. Yaga knows better then to separate us after what happened." Satoru smiled as he listened to you mumble in your sleep.
"Right oh, well I will do what I can to put up a buffer for that. You know the school challenges are coming up. The big staff battles."
"Like I have to worry about that." Satoru turned his phone screen off. "Well... not for me I suppose..."
"I heard from Nanami what was happening in his cases. He took Itadori out didn't he? I'm going to go pick them up after this." Ijichi sighed as he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "A glorified shofar."
"Oh hush your getting payed, plus ramen. Though, it won't be as good as hers I'm sure." Satoru smiled a little as your body blushed and let out a little mew in your sleep. Cat ears forming beside your horns and twitching. "Heightened since form hu? Still don't trust anyone to not betray your well being." You didn't say anything as you curled up in the seat. Nuzzling into his warmth. Letting out a little chew sound as you relaxed. "I'm half tempted to see what you would do if I drew on your face." He noticed your scarf fell slightly. Showing his marks some. His body twitch thinking about leaving more across your skin. Satoru covered up your neck and looked out the window. Deep in though about many things. Gears going into play.
       "Yes. There's a kid involved knowing Itadori he won't let things go south so easily. I'm a bit frustrated I can't be more involved with it. But I have other strings I've been pulling just to keep him safe. He will eventually go strong as or stronger then I am."
      "I know you told me while he was on that slab remember? Can you even imagine if he didn't come back to life?"
       "I can, I was about ready to burn the world at that time. Just to protect my students. Killing isn't the hard part. It's changing the fundamentals that is hard on people." Satoru played with the ears by your horns earning him a soft purr from your body. He smiled and chuckled a little. "Watch the road Ijichi. If you openly watch in the mirror I'll kill you."

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