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It was noon, the sun was still warming, after walking for a few hours, Borris and George climbed a hill that was blocked by trees.

George looked around and pushed the branches in front of him as Borris stood behind him to take a break.

"Calm down boy, why so much hurry?" He was all out of breath.

"Borris, where are we?" He dropped his suitcase and climbed a little further, he looked down and immediately recognized everything, seeing the old cabin and the lake next to it.

"Wait a second, I ran away from here, how did you know?" He turned to him, seeing a grin on his face.

"What a miracle isn't it? Let's go down, come on," Borris started sweating and started walking slowly down the path but George stopped him.

"There's no way I'm going back down, answer me, how did you know?" He grabbed his arm and pulled him closer.

"No need to start some drama," Borris looked at him wide-eyed as he became furious, "We'll just go slowly and you'll find out, okay boy?"

George let go of his arm and looked after him as he headed down, "Stop calling me boy."

Everything was suspicious to him, Borris's constant smile and happiness, but he still followed him.

He watched Borris's movements, as if he was planning something, how did he know where George had escaped from? After only a few hours, he found the cabin without any problems.

Borris looked around and noticed that there was someone in the cabin, he lowered the accordion to a chair by the lake and strode toward the door, and George followed him quickly, his heart already pounding in fear of what would happen now.

"Borris what the fuck are you doing?" George asked sharply but he ignored him.

He stood in front of the door and grabbed the doorknob, he looked at George once more, "You'll see," He opened the door.

"Borris!" George dropped his suitcase and ran to him, stopping when he saw Remus on the couch, with Fred and Anna.

Everyone looked at the door, Fred and Anna got up quickly and looked at them, her heart pounding when she saw George.

And Remus, in complete shock when he saw Borris, his eyes wide open and his body all weakened when he looked him straight in the eyes.

"What's going on here, George, who is this?" Fred asked him, all as confused as Anna, who wouldn't be, a complete stranger here, but Remus was more shocked.

"Hello father," Borris smiled devilishly.

Everyone looked at Remus whose mouth was open, but without any words, completly speechles.

Everyone was looking at each other, figuring out what the fuck was going on, Borris slowly entered the house and approached his father with light steps.

"Dad, is this some kind of a joke?" Anna's voice trembled.

George was still standing in the doorway, they forgot for a moment what had happened with Anna and him, Borris caught their eye with his words.

Remus shook his head, standing up in his son's face, just inches taller than him.

"Long time no see," Borris didn't take the sour smile off his face, and Remus' face froze, what's going on? So many things in his head now.

His jaw twitched a few times before he said, "Borris..."

"You remember my name, don't you?" He turned his face seriously, looking at his father with a dirty look.

George's KindnessWhere stories live. Discover now