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Walking around his office and looking at the map, Remus was still awake before midnight. He watched closely so as not to see any of the students, he looked away for a second and took a bottle of a potion from his drawer, he put it in his pocket so he could use it later.

When he looked away for a second, George was already in the middle of the hallway, walking slowly through a different passage, leading out.

He took the map in his hands and laughed devilishly, "I got you young boy," He grabbed his wand from the desk and hurried out of the office.

Running down the halls and looking at the map, he didn't even realize that the bottle of a potion had fallen out of his pocket and completely shattered.

He noticed that George's steps were faster, as if he realized that Remus was following him.

In complete darkness, he hurried through the hallways and followed where that passage led outside.

George was already outside, slowing his pace and stopping, which hastened Remus to catch him.

He saw George standing panting and looking towards the field, he approached him from behind and grabbed him by the shirt on his shoulder, "Finally," He said breathlessly from the intense running.

George winced and turned reflexively towards him, this is the end, he thought, full of fear, "P-professor Lupin," He stammered.

"Tell me young boy, what are you doing outside, this late?" Remus put the map behind his back and approached George every step, getting closer and closer but George slowly moved away.

"I was catching some air, just that," His voice trembled from the top of his throat, he would look back not to fall.

Remus said through a laugh, "I wouldn't say so," he noticed George's frightened look at the sky which made him turn.

"Professor Lupin..." He said in fear, taking quick steps back, he felt himself leaning against an ordinary tree.

The fog and clouds were slowly disappearing, the pale moonlight was visible that illuminated everything.

Remus dropped his wand and the map on the ground, he grabbed his pockets but felt no bottle in them, suddenly, a painful scream came out of him.

George felt his heart want to jump out of his lungs, he didn't know what to do, he thought a tight hug would prevent everything, "Remus please."

His hazel eyes turned yellow, his skin turned pale and gray as ashes. All his senses were stronger, he could even hear George's heart beating fast and his blood through veins.

Holding him tight, George begged him, "This isn't you Remus, you are not a monster," He felt Lupin's coat rip down his spine.

Remus' painful screaming became louder, hair began to cover his body visibly and he grew taller and taller, his claws and teeth sharpened.

But George didn't want to run away, he had no idea it was dangerous to be next to a werewolf.

His snout and ears popped out, his head was lengthening and his loud growl made George pull away, he saw there was no help for him anymore, the werewolf stood right infront of his eyes with his head down and his paws curled.

He looked harmless for a second, whimpering and shrinking, George took a step closer to him and lowered his head to look him in the eyes, but they were closed.

"Professor, are you alright?"

There was silence for a few seconds, he raised his head and howled loudly, George widened his eyes and grabbed his wand.

George's KindnessWhere stories live. Discover now