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The days went by, she didn't have a chance to ask him to hang out because he was always with Angelina, in class, in the hallways, everywhere, but he started watching Anna often, maybe because she was the first girl to approach him and look like to take care of his feelings.

They had free time in Great Hall because professors were not there. Everyone was sitting in their benches and talking, no one was making a mess except Fred and George who were letting little paper swans around the classroom. Anna looked at George and waited for an opportunity to invite him to hang out. She sat with Luna at the Ravenclaw table and talked. Luna noticed the way she was looking at him.

"George? Good choice, he's a very quiet boy, you are similiar, I think you two would go as a couple," Luna said calmly with a smile.

"What? Noo Luna, I was just.."

"Don't worry, I know how to keep secrets," Luna winked.

"How not to adore you? I'm waiting or an opportunity to ask him out, not as date, just friends."

"Every love starts from friendship and there's your chance, Fred just got up," Luna pointed at George.

"I don't know what you're talking about," She laughed and went to George, she sat down next to him but happened to be too close.

George looked at her from head to toe. His hands were on the table, his sleeves were rolled up and his veins were outlined. She followed his hazel eyes as they were looking at her, she was silent for a few seconds and just looked at him. Forgot for a moment what she wanted to ask him.

"Yes, um.. Anna, is it Anna?" He looked at her eyes and lips.

"Yeah.. sorry I was just wondering, do you wan't to hang out after school? I understand if you.." She looked down.

"Sure, where can I find you?" He said without thinking.

"Um, near Whomping Willow? There is one nice bench there. Are you sure? I mean Ange...."

"See you there then," He smirked.

She stayed sitting next to him as he stared at the notebook and his gaze turning to her a little, she was shocked at how quickly he answered even though he had a girlfriend.

Their knees were touching, she thought he was going to move his leg but he wasn't so neither was she.

Fred came from behind. "How is it going?"

"Fred if you start saying something," George looked up at him.

"We were just," Anna blushed and burned inside because she was embarrassed by what Fred had to say.

"You were just feeling sexual tension? That's nice," Fred always liked to tease someone. Anna and George blushed and looked at each other. He tried not to laugh but Anna saw him cover his face with his hand.

"What are you laughing at?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Don't get mad, I mean you know what he's like," George shrugged.

"She still doesn't know us well enough but there is time for everything," Fred giggled and looked at them with scorn.

"Whatever you say," She looked down and bent down to tie her shoe. George looked at her than Fred, they started to spoke in some of their fictional languages which they invented so that no one would understand them.

Anna didn't understand them but she didn't care, she thought, just a twin thing.
"I think I'll go now, see you George and bye Fred," She stood up and waved at them.

Fred looked after her. "Brother brother, good choice, I mean look at her and look at Angelina."

"Fred, I just thought the same thing."

"Are you going to?"

"Would you do the same thing in my place?" George tilted his head.

"We are not different that much, so yes,"
Fred raised his eyebrows.

"How many?"

"Hmm, for me five to ten, if you don't smash, if you do then for you."


Fred put the protection package in his pocket and winked. They bet as always, but this was a little different.

George's KindnessWhere stories live. Discover now