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Ron, Hermione and Anna sat together in class in Great Hall and followed classes as usual until Anna looked at George and noticed he had tears in his eyes, he always looked sad, but not so much, clutching a feather in his hand, he looked very furious.

"Ron, why does your brother look so sad and angry?" She asked him and turned to face him.

Ron turned his head toward George. "George? Oh, well, Angelina cheated on him for who knows how many times, but don't worry about it, he'll forgive her again," Ron shrugged and contiuned looking at his book.

"Don't you really care about your brother? What a moron you are Ron," Anna rolled her eyes and leaned back.

"Hey calm down, I've tried talking to him a million times but he obviously sees something golden in her."

"Well you weren't trying enough Ron," Hermione said and looked at him with a frown.

"Why you always want to look smart?" He looked at her angrily and removed the hair that was falling in his eyes.

"Stop it Ron, if you weren't trying enough, I will, I can't look at him this sad all the time," Anna sighed.

"Anna, you are better than his stupid brother, we all know that," Hermione giggled and ran her hand behind her ear.

"Yet you are better than.. Shut up Granger," Ron imitated her.

"Stop fighting you two, you know I love to help people, I can't wait for the class to end," She kept looking at George and felt his sadness.

After the class was over, George came out of class first and hurried down the hallways, Anna pushed through the students and followed him, as she hurried, she saw George throwing his backpack on the floor and sitting alone in the hallway, he lowered his head down and stared at floor, he clenched his fists. She waited few minutes so he can calm down, she approached slowly.

"Hey, you are George right?" She got closer to him. He raised his head and was shocked that she hadn't called him Fred.

"Thanks for noticing, the only one who can do that," He rolled up his sleeves and took his backpack.

"Are you okay? I heard about you and.. you know who.. Angelina," She sat down slowly beside him, looking at his hazel eyes, full of tears.

"It's not bad as it seems, don't worry," He leaned against the wall, crossed his legs and avoided her eye contact.

"You can't forgive her every time just like that, she is hurting you.." She approached him slowly, trying to help him.

"The pain stops after a while, I'm used to it, okay?" He looked at her, his pupils dilated and she saw him breathing rapidly which frightened her a little because she thought she was disturbing him.

"I really want to.." Someone interrupted her sentence with a cough, it was Angelina, she stood behind Anna with her arms crossed.

"George?" She raised her eyebrow and looked at Anna with a dirty look, up and down. She hated every girl in school who talked to George.

"Sorry we're just.." Angelina ignored what was she trying to say and she looked at George, her eyes showing that she wanted him to come with her.

George looked at Anna and shrugged. "I'm coming my, dear."

"Oh, bye George, I guess.." Anna turned and left but George turned his head for a second and looked at her, he wanted to hear what she had to say but he also didn't want Angelina to be mad at him.

Anna stormed into the common room, Ron winced and dropped his food, Hermione asked her.

"Are you okay Anna?"

"I hate that girl so much," She sat down on the couch and crossed her arms, clenching her teeth and squeezing her fists.

"Angelina? I always said I hate her, Fred even wanted to Avada Kedavra her once.." Ron laughed and as soon he looked how angry Anna was, he became serious.

"I just tried to talk to him, and that bitch came and said with that irritating voice, "George?" She imitated Angelina aggresivly.

"Bloody hell, I didn't know you could be so angry, you should be more like that and not quite little girl, but yeah, why do you care so much about him? He will understand one day, I know my brother."

"Because I hate to see people sad and I care more than you," Anna looked at him with anger.

"Stop being so mean, we know he is your brother Ron and it's not our fault that you don't have emotions," Hermione was hitting Ron with a heavy book.

"Okay sorry, I wont say anything ever again," He took the book from her hand and put it down.

"Should I ask him out? Not like a date, just hanging out, you know what I mean? So we can talk in peace, I wanna finish what I started," Anna blushed and realized what she just said.

"Try, the best place is near Whomping Willow, there is a nice bench there but don't relax too much," Hermione put her hand over her mouth and giggled.

"Oh shut up, I will try to ask him, I just hope Angelina doesn't kill me, I mean he can have female friends I guess?" Anna looked puzzled.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it, besides, it's just hanging out, not a date," Ron was eating a peace of cake he had, as always.

"Yeah I know, thank you Ron and wow, you can be nice sometimes and stop eating that cake," Anna took the cake from his hand.

"Hey! I have to be nice, I don't want Hermione to hit me with a book again, still hurts," He scratched his head.

"Sorry, now I know how you will always be nice," Hermione laughed and patted him on the back.

"Oh you two," Anna giggled.


After being with Angelina, George went to the men's bathroom, looking at himself in the mirror and thinking, is he doing something wrong? Is Fred better looking twin so thats why he gets all the attention from the girls? And George, George is just an ordinary gentle guy who needs the right person next to him, someone who will tell him "I love you" for no reason, hug him and kiss him and even that little kiss on the forehead. he also thought about what Anna wanted to tell him.


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