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Anna had difficulty falling asleep, turning to the other side every second while George slept. She straightened up and ran her hands over her face, looked at George and smiled.

She slowly covered him with a blanket and got up, took light steps out of the room and saw if there was anyone in the hallway, then headed to Fred's room.

She grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door, peeked her head out and saw Borris leaning against the window, "Can I come in?"

Borris didn't have the strength to turn around, "Yeah, you can."

Anna looked at Fred, who was asleep, she said softly, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Borris sighed and answered in the same tone, "I'm not feeling alright."

Anna looked at him, slowly approached him and leaned against the window. Borris looked at her and asked, "What about you?"

"I can't sleep," She twisted the bracelet on her arm and stared at the floor, "I need a sibling hug."

Borris was silent for a few seconds then he gently grabbed her arms and pulled her into a hug, she wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her forehead on his chest.

He rested his chin on top of her hair and sighed, stroking her hair and saying softly, "Brother is here with you, I will always be."

Anna smiled and stepped back, "I needed that, really."

"Me too," Borris smiled and turned to Fred when he muttered something in his sleep.

"I should probably go now, I don't want us to wake him up," Anna headed out and looked at her brother once more, "Night night."

"Night night," He said quietly and sat down next to Fred. Anna closed the door and returned to the room, seeing that George was still asleep.

She crawled into his arms and closed her eyes, after which she could fall asleep more easily.

The next morning, Sirius woke everyone up early to welcome a new guest, although no one cared, they wanted to be polite. They gathered in the kitchen and waited, during that time, they talked.

"We will only be in Bulgaria for a few days, I promise I will be back as soon as possible," Remus said in a tired voice, he looked like he hadn't slept all night.

"I hope, honestly Remus, it's not easy for us that you are going," Sirius said and took a sip of Fire Whiskey, he had been drinking it non-stop since last night.

Remus sighed sadly and looked at him, "I'm sorry, I know this is... let me say, a bad decision, but..."

"I'm not forcing you to explain to us, I understand you completely," Sirius said in a light tone.

"I honestly don’t understand him, no need to go but if it’s his decision, goodbye," Borris said boldly and Anna kicked him in the leg because he doesn't understand how Remus can be easily hurt by words.

"Dad, promise to write to us," Anna took his hand. Remus smiled and said, "Of course I will, I promise."

Someone knocked on the door, Molly got up and opened the door, "Oh, come in my dears."

Everyone looked at the door, Elizabeth was the first to enter, with a suitcase in her hand. Behind her Leilah, her hair braided with yellow zircons attached, she wore a yellow large sweatshirt and black leggings, she looked shy.

"Sorry if we're late," Elizabeth said and shook hands with everyone, hugged Anna and Borris, but they didn't reciprocate.

"You're not, just take it easy," Molly smiled and looked at Leilah, "Nice to meet you dear, I'm Molly," She gently hugged her.

George's KindnessWhere stories live. Discover now