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I drag Feivel up to my room despite all his protest.

Feivel is pissed, super pissed.

"What?" He spat as soon as we enter the room. "You gonna make up something for-" I cut his words by slamming my lips to his.

I feel him stiffen at the sudden contact, his eyes got as wide as saucers.

"Uh-huh. We sure gonna "make up" " I whisper seductively against his lips, running my hand through his thick locks and grip a handful of his hair. He groans into the kiss but returns it with passion.

Knowing Feivel for half of my life came with a lot of perks, like this one: he likes it rough *wink wonk*

"Shorty, what-" he asks breathlessly, abruptly breaking the kiss

"Shh," I tell him placing my fingers against his plump swollen lips. I work up my tongue from the side of his neck to his ear.

I'm stunned at myself acting this wild, possessive and dominant. This is so unlike me but I seem to like it. To see that I have this effect on him makes me giddy happy.

When Dr Michaels was flirting with Feivel, with my boyfriend, I was furious. I wanted him all to myself. The desire I bottled up for all these years was out. I, now, couldn't stand a second away from claiming him. I was his and...

He is mine.

"Mine" I whisper biting on his earlobe. I lean in for another kiss just to get tackled against the door in a breath. My hands held above my head and locked against the door.

I shiver to watch the lust-driven in Feivel’s eyes. I whimper feeling incredibly uncomfortable in my pants. “Fei-“ I look at him with hooded eyes. He decides to ignore all my pleas.

One of his hand slid my shirt tracing my lean stomach and faint abs. I shiver at his touch craving for more. His other holding my hands still. “You” he whispers huskily. “You tried to play with fire and I’m gonna make you regret it” he latches on to my neck nibbling on my flesh.
I uncontrollably moan, throwing my head back, when he slid his tongue over my sensitive spot around my ear.

I squirm in his hold wanting to feel his body through my fingers. “Fei” I cry.

“shh,” he imitates my actions from before tracing the crooks of my face and neck with his index finger. “Fuck” he mutters when his finger crosses my lower lip being trapped between my teeth. He curses again releasing my hands and pushing his body into mine.

He locks our lips in a hurry but passionate kiss pressing his lower half to mine. I run my hands through his broad shoulder to down his back.

He hurriedly discards his jacket attacking my lips again. I slip my hand in his shirt feeling his hard muscles contrast under my touch.

He pulls my shirt over my head and tosses it somewhere. I put my hand on the hem to his shirt to discard it but fail when my hands are pinned at the back and slammed into the wall.

"Nuh-uh. It's not that easy" he whispers against my ear taking my earlobe into a harsh bite. My eyes roll back at the kind of dominance and pleasure excretes from the man called my boyfriend.

I wasn't an exact submissive guy, actually, anything but that. But, being caged between my man's arms and about to be ravished senseless made my knees buckle.

"You start, I end" he rasps. I squirm testing the hold and teasing his dominant side.

In short: I disobey.

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