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"Dad! Wake up. Pwease" my son pleads as he shakes me.

"Five minutes more, baby, please. Daddy's tired" I groan giving up my will to get up.

"No! We late for swhool" he giggles still shaking me.

"Ugh! Fine! I'm up" I release a loud groan sitting up on the bed.
"Come here I'll punish you, you woke me up so early," I say climbing down the bed stretching my limbs for the battle.

"Noooooo" he giggles before running away, me after him. We run around the bed for more than five minutes. I'm telling you, this kid here is so fast with his small legs. It's unbelievable. God!

Finally, I catch and lift him in my arms before ticklings his sides. He laughs loudly echoing the large empty house.

"Dad, pwease stap. Bweath bweath" he says in between his eager breathes.

"Okayyyy. I'm done punishing you. Go back to your room, brush your teeth, take a shower, choose your decent clothes, prepare your bag for school and be back for your breakfast. Okay?" I instruct with my index finger in the air pointing nowhere and nodding my head with each point. I look at my son from the corner of my eye mimicking me and nodding along with his finger. I laugh internally and turn to his side.

"Who needs another punishment? Huh?" I ask folding my arms to my chest.

He looks at me with wide eyes and put his hands to his mouth suppressing his giggles "noooo. Not wee" he giggles and runs away to his room.

I chuckle as I start making breakfast. I make easy sunny side ups with some toast and bacon. I prefer having scrambled eggs but my son prefers the sunny side ups. Anything for him.

I set the table for us as I see him walking down the stairs. He was wearing his favourite blue jeans with a plain full-sleeved white t-shirt. He has a more mature dressing sense than any other three year old or the adults. His big blue eyes and his pretty pink lips resembled someone I know, someone I loved.

"Dad, how I lwok?" he asks walking towards the table.

"You look great, bud. What's up with your hair though?"

"Mewwy hair is in fawhion, old man" he replies, a grin on his lips.

"Hey now, who did you call an old man?  I'm twenty-two!" I scuff folding my arms in front of my chest.

He giggles before digging into his breakfast. I sit in the opposite chair and start having mine.

"Dad, Ms Jownson told we have an ewtra activity at swhool today so the pickup time change"

"Okay, bud. I'll ask Ms Johnson about the schedule and be on time to pick you up" I replied smiling as he nods.

We finish our breakfast with his baby talking and my silly replies. I tell you, your kid gonna ask you some weird questions which in return will question your existence. Tough!

I take a quick shower, change into a pair of black jeans and a grey t-shirt with a matching black jacket. I grab my car keys and make my way to the garage where my son already has been waiting for me. We get into our black Tesla Model S and I drive us to the playschool.

We pull over in the front as I walk us to the gate holding my son's hand.

"Good morning to you, Mr Mendes"
Ms. Johnson greets us at the gate.

"Good morning, Ms Johnson. I heard there's gonna be an additional activity today. So, when am I suppose to pick my son?" I question as my son makes his way to his friends, a boy and a girl.

"Yes, you've heard it right. We are hoping to conduct an activity of planting in the afternoon which would extend the school time by an hour. So, you could come by four in the evening" she explains.

"I understa-" before I could reply, I see my son pulling the hair of the girl beside him. I gasp at the event and force my way to his side jerking his hand away from the girl, I hold him in a place and the girl starts crying.

"ARNE MENDES! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" I shout making him flinch.

"Dad, sworry. Pwease don't mad. Sworry" he cry while shaking.

I suck in a breath as I regret losing my anger. "I'm sorry, baby. But, what you did is wrong. You shouldn't hurt someone. Say sorry" I say with calm tone assuring him that I'm not mad.

"But, dad..." he replies between his cry, "Claire swy she lwke Noah but no! I lwke Noah" he continues crying I sit on my knees stunned at his confession. I look over the shoulder towards a boy fidgeting which I assume was 'Noah'.

'Did my son just said he likes a boy?' I chuckle internally at his innocence.

I take him into my arms cooing him "Arne, it's okay if you like him and she likes him too. When the right time comes, it'll decide what is best for you three. Okay?" he hesitates but nods eventually.

"Good. Now say sorry to Claire"

"I'm sworry, Claire" the girl stops crying and smile with a nod.

"Okay, kids. Time for the class. Get in" Ms Johnson announce as Arne greets his goodbye and enter the school with his friends.

I make my way to my car driving towards my office or you could say my shop.

After I left South Carolina and made my journey to New York I set up a mechanic shop in the city. I always had a passion for cars and with my father's help, I borrowed some cash and began this small startup which flamed up with time and now is well known around. Which made it easy for me to return the cash.

Arne's three now and I'm a single parent we don't need much to live but I want to save up for his future. I want to give him everything before he could even think of. After all, he is the only one I had. If not for him I'm alone. ALL ALONE.

I pull over at the parking before entering my shop making my way to the office. I instruct my secretary, Jullie to get me a strong coffee as I look over the paperwork for the cars all set to leave today.

I drown myself into work, that before I knew it was 30 minutes past 3. I sigh as I grab my keys and inform Rick, the manager about my leave and his responsibility for the shop.

I get into my car and begin my 25 minutes ride.

I drive into the parking lot of the school and watch Arne talking to his pals, Noah and Claire. I smile and march towards the group interrupting their serious conversation.

"Is twat so?" Arne asks making me chuckle at his serious tone.

"Yesh" Claire replies. She's cute!

"Hey, bud" I interrupt.

"Dad!" Arne lunges to my legs, smiling.

"What were you talking about?" I ask as Arne greets bye to his friends and we walk towards the car.

"Dad, Claire say, there ca- caf-"

"Café?" I ask he nods, I nod in understanding.

"Ca- fe, is good. Twey have pastwies. Yum!" he squeals making me laugh loudly.

"You want to go?" I ask he nods excitedly. "Okay, you know where is it?" he nods again gesturing his finger towards the building across the road.








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