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Moans fill the room while I struggle in his hold. My head falls back on the pillow when his lips attach to my neck. "S-stop" I plead pushing him against his shoulders. "J-junior will be h-here. S-stop" my breath comes out in gaps.

He ignores my pleas and continues his assault. "F-fei" I whimper losing my strength to fight against him. "Stop" I try to push him again.

The next thing I know my hands were pinned above my head against the headboard. The usual blue green eyes were turned into a darker colour of green with lust. My throat clogs while my eyes flutter at the need shown in his face. "Stop struggling" he commands making my insides turn.

A moan escapes my lips when he latches his lips to mine. I immediately kiss back the man with so much need that it was next to impossible to stop. "I-I can't" I whisper against his lips. Ignoring as always, his tongue meets mine in a hurry. Sucking on it, he unbuttons my shirt, his hand loosened on my wrists. My hands fly to his hair, clasping on it.

A groan escapes his lips at the tight hold. I smirk against his lips. He pulls away from the kiss and stares at my now naked torso with hunger filled eyes. His tongue licks his bottom lip making my hips push upwards.

"Fei" I moan wanting nothing but him. "P-please"

"Please what?" he husks, his eyes mapping every nook of my body. My body goes flush against the sheets at the exposed embarrassment.

"Don't stare" I try to say firmly. His eyes lock mine while a smirk takes over his lips.

"Do. Not. Tell me what to do with something that's mine" he whispers against my ear. My back arches at the possessive tone. "Do you hear me?" he asks.

I answer in a nod with all the strength remained in my body. "Good," he praises. "Now..."

"Daddy!! I'm home. Papa!!!" Junior calls from the downstairs.

"Ughhhhhh" Feivel groans falling to the side from the top of me. I laugh at the big kid.

"Told you," I say shrugging while he groans again. I chuckle and button up my shirt and walk to the door. Before I could open the door, I get planted against the door. My breath stops seeing the beast looking at me hungrily.

"I'm not letting you slip away easily. Better watch it after dinner" he says pecking me on the lips and dashing out the door calling for Junior.

I chuckle at the idiot for being this persistent and desperate but honestly, I can't really blame him. Its been a month since he woke up from a coma. Being shot with a gun and the overwhelming emotions made his body to go under shock which intact affected his brain.

The day when he woke up was anything but reality. Sitting on the hospital bed, his head against the pillow he welcomed me with a huge smile. It all felt like a dream to me, from being that close to him again to breathing his scent.

After a week full of examinations and tests he was free to go home and ever since then we never have had a chance to go all the way. There was something or the other thing going on. From mild pain in his head to Junior's nightmares. It has been tough.

"And then... Claire took my penwil" I enter the living area with Junior doing all the blabbering while sitting on Feivel's lap. Feivel kept nodding his head paying attention to the younger one's every word.

The bond between the father and son has deepened ever since the incident. They started spending more time together while I tried to be there for them at every step.

The café has been going smoothly and been attracting more customers. Merlin has become like the second boss of the place in my absence but I do visit it from time to time. The pastries are still made by me but I do that at home.

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