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I touch his back like he would escape into the thin air just like my dreams. Or you can call them my "nightmares". He would escape again leaving me all alone and empty. Leaving me sobbing for him.

I feel his shoulder blades stiffen announcing my touch. He relaxes immediately tightening his arms around my waist. I feel my shoulder wet like his. I finally grab his back pushing him closer, knowing that, this isn't a dream.

Fei is here.

He pulls back slightly, his hazel-green eyes staring into my blue ones. He marks between my eyes and lips. He bites his lower lip as I just stay still in his arms and follow his every move. Both of us still sobbing looking into each other eyes. He withdraws his teeth from his lips and leans a bit closer. He keeps mapping my eyes to my lips and lean more close leaving an inch of a gap between us.

"Shorty..." he breathes before removing the gap. That is when the realisation hits me. And it hits me hard.

I pull away from his grip and fall two steps back shaking my head. Placing my hand on his bare chest while I scrub my lips with the other.

"No, no-no-no. This can't be happening. Nooooooooo"

I see him hurt, extending his hands towards my cheek and I heel back.

"Stay there! Stay right there!" I shout as he stops and draws his hand back.


"Arne! Arne Matthew Cabral!" I yell again making him flinch. His eyebrows draw together as more tears escape his eyes. "It's Cabral for you, sir". I press on the last word to remind him I'm here on business. "Now, if you would be kind enough to hand over the payment so I may take my leave, sir"

He looks taken back before he nods his head and turns to the entrance.

I'm not losing myself to him again. Not even my precious tears. I rub away the tears already forming in my eyes. I sniffle and try hard to stay calm.

'Who does he think he is? Coming out of nowhere and messing out my settled feelings. I buried them long back and have moved on. He is no one. NO ONE.
He is here living his best life. He has a family. A son, for god's sake. I'm not going on the same route as then. I know I'm fine and I have moved on. MOVED ON'

I don't know who am I convincing him or me?

I feel a familiar tug at my jeans as I look back down. The kid has scowl across his face. I wonder if he is hurt about my yelling towards his father.

What did he say earlier? "Special?" That I am special to his father? Oh please! If I would've been anything near special he wouldn't have left me for some girl. The girl he kissed right after kissing me, making my confession a joke.

The joke would be an understatement actually.

He signals his hands asking me to kneel down. I roll my eyes but the kid doesn't know that his dad's a shitbag so I decide to obey. I kneel in front of him and raise a brow.

"It's no Ca-Cabwal" I guess he's trying to say 'Cabral'. But, what is not Cabral? I'm not Cabral? But, last I checked I was Cabral. I snicker at my own shitty humour.

"What is not Cabral, buddy?" I try to remain calm 'cause it's not his fault what his dad is.


"Name? Whose name?"

"Mine. My name not Cowbal" there goes my name in the dustbin. My eyebrows draw together. Who said his name was Cabral again? I just announced my name. Before I could ask he continues. "My name is ARNE JULIAN MENDES. Not Cowbal. You say wrong" he hold his head high looking me in the eye.

This kid shutter for everything apart from his name. I chuckle. Wait name? Name? Did he just say his name was Arne? Arne too?

I hear someone clear their throat. I put a questioning glare towards Feivel who now wearing a shirt, finally and holding his wallet and a glass of water.

He nods offering me the glass of water which I utterly refuse. "His name is Arne too. After I got here, I used to miss you so much that it was difficult to breathe so I named him after you that I would grow old looking at, at least one of the Arne"

What's shame again?

I scoff. Miss me? If that would've been the case he wouldn't have left in the first place. Left without telling a word to his best friend. Miss my ass.

"And you're telling me your loving wife allowed you to? Wow!" I exclaim in amusement. "Oh wait, she is your wife, right? Or...." I raise a brow.

"It would be great if we could go inside and talk. I don't want everyone to keep looking at us over the walls"

"Oh please! Don't. Or your wife or whatever she is would be hurt and you wouldn't get a..." I hold my hand up hiding my mouth from the kid as I lean towards his dad. "..get a fuck tonight. So, better I go. My payment, please"

"S-she isn't here, sho-... Arne" he said taking a deep breath before correcting my name clenching his hand into a fist.

It's weird hearing my name from those lips. The lips, I hate to the core. The lips, which are the reason for my trauma.

"Oh, you got another one inside? I don't want to disappoint her either. You pay, I leave" I extend my palm towards him asking my payment.

He nods before handing me cash. I count it, stuff it in my wallet and turn on my heels. I bend down to the kid who I now know as Arne.

"Hey, junior Arne. It was nice to meet you. But, I'm afraid this would be the first and last time we meet. All thanks to your wonderful dad" I ruffle his hair ignoring his father's about to cry look, I stand on my feet.

"No. I Arne, you Arne. We dewinitely meet again" he beams and runs towards the parcel dragging it inside. I chuckle at his confidence and glance at Mr Mendes looking back at me with sorrowful eyes. I put my hands in surrender as I keep stepping back towards the gate. I turn my back and before I start walking I turn to him one last time.

"I know where you live, Mr Mendes and I'm never coming here again. Have a great day, sir" I fake a smile before continuing my journey towards the gate. He stands there still like a statue.

I get into my car and drive away from the neighbourhood. I drive straight without looking back. I'm not looking back. He is over. My love is over. I keep telling myself that it's over when something warms feels my cheeks. I touch my cheek with my left hand to meet with the tears I didn't know were escaping my eyes. And for how long? Cause I feel my face drenched.

I pull over the car and cry out in pain clenching my chest, placing my head at the steering wheel.

"Why? W-why?" I scream out in my car choking on my breathe.









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