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"Arne is not my biological s-son"

I remain still gathering my head around the piece of news.

"W-what did you say?" I ask hoping that I lost my sense of hearing. 'Cause I heard something about Jr not being his son. No, I'm must have misheard it.

There's the silence after the question. The only sound echo in the empty house of three was Jr's soft snores. Fei stroke his son's locks, while he sits eyes closed himself.

After a good soft staring at his son's sleeping posture, Fei releases a heavy breath. "Yeah" he mumbles hoarsely. "Arne is not biologically mine" he announces.

I gasp at the information I heard, for the second time.


The Feivel I knew was a carefree soul, least bothered by opinion, status, priorities. And the Feivel now I'm sitting across is a man of responsibilities, an ideal parent to his non - biological son.

To think that Jr's not his is laughable. Jr is every way is Feivel's son. I have seen in the eyes of both that they loved each other to death and a mere blood relation doesn't top what they have.

To think that Feivel loved his son knowing the truth, God knows since when, is remarkable.

I didn't know the boy I loved once was this mature. The silly teenager was this utterly responsible.

I fell in love with the boy, then.

I'm in love with the man now.

"I'm so proud of you" were the only words which unknowingly spill my lips. And I'm glad they did.


After spending the night at the Mendes'. I arrived home early this morning and to see Jackson waiting for me was not surprising. He was like my third parent. But, that behaviour he showed this morning was similar to the once I experienced just now minus the kiss.

He already knew where I spent the night since Feivel was the one to drop me off the morning and Jackson was the one to witness the drop. He was furious about keeping a distance from Fei just like last week. The only difference was, I didn't want to.

And the cherry on the top, the kiss mark aka hickey on my neck. This was the cue of my slow death by the one and only Jackson.

Speaking of the kiss, I guess my trauma is back? But, this didn't happen when I kissed Feivel yesterday. Well, it never happened with Feivel. Weird.

I quickly wash my face with some cool water and exit the bathroom in a hope to not see Jackson waiting outside. And to my pleasure, he wasn't there.

I don't unlike Jackson. I mean, come on, he's my best friend. I absolutely love him. But, it's different. It's not the kind of love I feel for Feivel.

I now knew that even Jackson doesn't feel it towards me anymore. Maybe he before had but definitely not now. I can see it in his eyes. There's no love, no spark like someones.

I'm glad that Jackson's been moving on but, I might have to work hard to show him that. He seems like he's been punishing himself for not loving me anymore. For liking someone else.

Someone I know, who moved his stone heart. He just has to admit it.

I walk down the halls into the kitchen to have some freshwater. The bitter taste on my tongue was killing me. I have to cool myself before I confront Jackson, 'cause I know I have to do it soon.

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