Uraraka's birthday!!

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Hey guys today it's Uraraka birthday today!!
So this was supposed to be chapter eight but I decided to do Uraraka's birthday book instead. This book might be short but let's get reading.

Uraraka POV
I wake up and it's my birthday today!! So I get up and change into my birthday clothes and head out of my dorm and go to Tsu's dorm. I knocked on Tsu's door and Tsu says who is it. It's me Uraraka I say. Oh ok you can come in it's unlocked Tsu says. I open the door with excitement and say do you know what day is it today I say.

Umm I say. So do you know what day is it today babe Uraraka says. Umm it's Sunday today I say. Yeah and Uraraka says. I don't know what else and I'm kinda busy I say. Oh ok sorry for bothering you babe Uraraka says almost crying.

Jirou POV
I see Uraraka going out of Tsu dorm and closing the door behind her. Hey Uraraka I say. Hey Jirou Uraraka says sadly. Why so sad I say. I think Tsu forgot about my birthday today Uraraka says hugging me because how sad she was. (Mind): Oh she did not forget about your birthday Uraraka we have a surprise party for-. And do y- hey Jirou are you even listening to Uraraka says waving her hand in front of my face. O-Oh yeah totally I say. So will you hang out with me later Uraraka says. But not like a date of course I say. Yeah because your dating Momo and I'm dating Tsu Uraraka say. Ok I'll see you later Uraraka I say. I start walking to my dorm and open my door seeing Momo, Mina, and Toru sitting on my bed. So Mina says. Well me and Uraraka are going to hangout later I say. So how long until the stuff is ready Toru says. Probably 3 to 5 hour if Mina doesn't play around with the stuff and I have to create more Momo says. Hey it's not my fault that I like to play around with the party stuff Mina yells. Mina you should stop yelling because Mr. Aizawa might lecture us again about yelling Tsu says. Ahh Tsu you scared me I say. Haha Mina laughs. Shut up Mina I say. Now now no need to cuss Momo says while patting my head. Yes babe I say blushing. See you a Jirou tanner Toru says. Yeah what she said Mina says. You guys are idiots so was Uraraka crying when she was talking to you Tsu says. No why are you going to take good care of her and give her lots of kisses when she's crying I say. What no Tsu says blushing. Admin it your blushing so hard I say. Ok fine I'll take good care her and give her lots of kisses Tsu say blushing. Ok I need to get ready now so turn around I say. We will but Momo might not Mina says. Hey she will turn around and not look I say. Ok then Mina says. I start taking my clothes off and I turn around and see Momo staring at me?!? Momo turn around I say. But I'm your girlfriend and I'll see you taking your clothes off more often Momo says. That was smooth Momo I might say that to Uraraka Tsu says.

Uraraka POV
I thought that Jirou was coming to my dorm but I'll just go to her dorm then so I head out to her dorm instead. I knocked on Jirou's door and she said she's putting her shirt on so I wait a little and then she comes out of her room. So are you ready to go Jirou says. Yeah I guess I say. 

This is not a Jirou x Uraraka thing ok people

Still Uraraka POV
So where are we going Jirou says. To the mall to buy clothes and stuff I say.

At the mall.

OMG Jirou do you think this green hoodie with a frog on it looks cute on Tsu. Maybe Jirou says.

Momo POV
Ok since everyone is here we will start now. You Deku and Shoto do the table. Ok Deku and Shoto says. Bakugou and Kirishima you guys do the balloons ok Bakugou and Kirishima says. What I was hoping to do the balloons Mina whines. Your going to think with Toru what we are going to do like think what kind of games we can do. Ok on it Mina grabs Toru hand and goes to the couch and starts to think. Denki and Shinso you guys will do the streamers and the birthday sign while me and Tsu will do the cake okey dokey Denki says ok fine Shinso says. Ok Tsu what kind of cake mix did you get I say. I got strawberry cake mix and pink icing Tsu says.

After the thinking and decorating and the cake

Still Momo POV
Hey guys Jirou said their coming back now. Ok let's turn off the lights now and hide Denki says. Ok Mina and Toru says.

Uraraka POV
Hey Uraraka Jirou says. Yeah Jirou I say. I got you a gift Jirou says. What you didn't have to get me a gift I say. Well I just wanted to just open it Jirou says. Oh ok *opens gift* OMG you got me a pink cup that says Uravity I say. Yup Jirou says.

At the entrance.

Still Uraraka POV
Wait why is it dark in their I say. I don't know Jirou says. I open the door and turn on the lights and-. Surprise!! I see Deku, Shoto, Bakugou, Kirishima, Denki, Shinso, Mina, and Toru. But I didn't see Tsu that makes me sad but I see a pink cake that says Happy birthday babe from Tsu. Even Jirou said surprise. Let's start opening gives Mina says. Oh ok I say. Here Uraraka Deku says. It's from me and Deku Shoto says. Ok *opens gift* a pink and green shirt that says U x T pink on the U side and green on the T side I say blushing. So do you like it Deku says. I love it I say. Here this is from me and Bakubro Kirishima says. Oh thank you Kirishima *opens gift* you got me a kirby plush I say. Well you got more kirby stuff Denki says. Let me guess you got me something kirby in this give *opens gift* it's a kirby onesie I say. Here Uraraka open this Momo says. It's going to be another kirby thing isn't it I say. Maybe Momo says. *opens gift* it's kirby slippers I'm a real kirby now aren't I I say. Yes yes you are now hurry open my gift from me and Toru Mina says. Ok then *opens gift* it's a pink and green book that says U x T I say. Well look inside Toru says. Ok I see pictures of me and Tsu on a date how did you guys get pictures of us on our date I say. Secret Mina and Toru says.

It's not the end yet but I'll tell you a future chapter might be Uraraka and Tsu goes on a date 😏.

Still Uraraka POV
Where's Tsu I ask. Well drum roll please Denki and Mina says everybody starts hitting their laps. Tada Denki says. Your last gift is Tsu in a maid outfit Mina says. W-Wait what I say blushing. Umm kero Tsu says while blushing.

I don't know how to spell kero but I think it's how you spell it right.

Still Uraraka POV
At your service for 3 days Tsu says. Umm I say blushing. Guys I think we broke her Tsu says looking at everyone. Oh Tsu~ sense your at my service for 3 day the first thing I want you to do is kiss me I say knowing that Mina, Denki, Kirishima, and Jirou are going to take a picture. Yes at your service Tsu says. That's not how your suppose to say it Mina says. Ok fine Tsu says. Yes dear~ Tsu says coming close to me and giving me a kiss on the lips. Umm guys we should eat the cake now Momo says. Yay it's cake time Mina says. Ok I'll cut the cake I say.

After eating cake

Still Uraraka POV
Let's play some games now Mina says. Lots of ok and sure from everybody.

And I said this will be short 😑 but I'll still continue Uraraka birthday story and sorry this is two days after her birthday.

MomoJirou, Tsuchako, MinaToru, :DWhere stories live. Discover now