Chapter 12: The triple date part four UwÚ

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We start walking towards the park. Babe can you carry me Uraraka whines and puts her hands in the air. Babe we're almost their I say. But still Uraraka whines. Ok you whining baby I say almost laughing. I'm not a whining baby Uraraka says. Well your my whining baby I say in a flirty tone while carrying Uraraka bridal style. W-What Uraraka says. Can you guys stop flirting Mina says. Look we're here at the park Mina and Toru says and starts running towards the playground. Look Yao-Momo theirs a zip line Jirou says pointing at the zip line. What where Mina and Toru says while turning around quickly. Right here Uraraka says waving her hands.

Jirou POV
I was about to go on the zip line but Mina sat on it first and then Uraraka got on it second and they started to go forward. Hey isn't it suppose to be one person at a time I say. Who cares about the rules Uraraka says while Mina stick out her tongue and putting a peace sign.

Momo POV
It's like taking children to the park I say. Yeah so childish Toru says. 4 minutes ago you were acting like one Tsu says. No I wasn't Toru says.Yes you were Tsu says. No I wasn't Toru says. Yes you were Tsu says. You guys are acting like kids right now I say. No we aren't Tsu and Toru says. Ok I say.

Yes this park/ice cream date is about them being childish mostly Uraraka, Jirou, Mina, and Toru

Uraraka POV
Me and Mina are on the zip line going away from Jirou and we start coming back so Mina thought a good idea. When we get closer to Jirou we should move our legs in the opposite direction so we can go back to the other side of the zip line Mina says. That's a good idea I say. We start getting close is Jirou. Ok guys it's my turn Jirou says trying to get the zip line. Now Mina says. We start moving our legs and we start going forward. What Jirou says. Give me the zip line Jirou says running towards us. Umm I guess your on your own now Mina I say taking my hands and activating my quirk. Hey activate your quirk on me to Mina says. Ok but who's going to catch you I say. Toru Mina says. We started to float. Tsu I say quickly while waving my hands. What are you doing up their Uraraka Tsu says. Hi Toru Mina says. Not you to Mina Toru says. Can you guys catch us Mina says. Sure Toru and Tsu says.

Toru POV
Ok ready Mina says. I'm not sure about this I say. I did this plenty of times Tsu says. O-Ok were coming now Uraraka says. Weeee Mina says. Tsu already caught Uraraka with her tongue. I caught Mina. I caught Mina! I carry Mina bridal style. Thanks for catching me cutie  Mina says giving me a kiss on the cheek. U-Umm no problem Pinky I say. I know Pinky is my hero name but don't call me that call Alien queen Mina says. Ok my queen I say. U-Umm let's go to the swings Mina says. Ok my queen I say.

Momo POV
I hear sighs from Jirou. What's wrong my love I say. Your not giving me enough attention today Jirou says while making this face->🥺

Still Momo POV
Oh I'm not giving you enough attention I say grabbing Jirou's hand. W-Where are we going Jirou says. Somewhere private I say. We went in a portable bathroom and started to make out.

One two three and me four I whisper to my self. Wait where are the other two I say looking around the park. What's wrong babe Uraraka says. Momo and Jirou when somewhere I say. I saw them go in the bathroom Toru says. Ok I'll go check I say. I go to the bathroom and I hear moaning. It's sounds like Jirou I whisper to my self. Umm guys were going to the ice cream place now I yell and hear Jirou scream. Ahh why the hell do you always scare me Tsu Jirou yells. Idk so hurry up and come out I'll tell the others I say.

After getting ready and going to the Ice place they head back to the dorms

Uraraka POV
We were just walking towards the entrance and we see class 1-gay- I meant 1-a having a party. Why is their a party and who decided to start a party Momo says.

Hello 🙃 It's been I long time sense posted (Say hi back🙃) and I think this is the last park of the triple date

MomoJirou, Tsuchako, MinaToru, :DWhere stories live. Discover now