chapter 20: what the heck

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tsu pov
I wake up and we're still in the tent and I see Momo and Mina still sleeping but then I smelled smoke.

I quickly wake up Momo and Mina and we when out of the tent and we saw smoke and blue flames.

momo pov
I created gas mask so we don't breathe in the smoke then I saw Tsu running towards the mall to make people leave this area so it was up to me and Mina to fight till Tsu comes back.

A rocky looking villain jumped in front of us.

(like at the training camp)

mina pov
The villain is about to bite Momo in one go I got to say something.

The villain was about to bite Momo but then a faint voice was heard.

Momo watch out!!

It sounded like Jirou.

I see Uraraka, Jirou, Toru, and Tsu running towards us.

tsu pov
These three were at the mall so they decided to help us. Ok Mina says.

*all of them were fighting the villain*

no ones pov
they were almost done fighting the villain but the villain hit Jirou and Uraraka sending them flying into a tree and there body slamming on the tree.

Tsu tried to get them out of the way but it was to late.

Jirou!! Momo says running towards Jirou body just laying there with blood coming out of her mouth and Jirou still able to move a little bit and probably got broken bones

Uraraka!! Tsu says running towards Uraraka and with blood coming out of her mouth and Uraraka just laying there lifelessly.

She's.. Tsu thinks and all the thoughts going around her head.


Mina gets one last hit of the villain and kills it and runs towards Tsu and Uraraka. and Toru follows her.

We need to get them to a hospital quickly Mina says trying to carry Uraraka.

Tsu help me with Uraraka and Toru go help Momo and Jirou.

Ok Tsu and Toru says.

*they all go to the hospital and get help*

Jirou is in a hospital room and Uraraka in another room.

They heard good news about Jirou thats she's going to live but had a broken arm and leg.

What about Uraraka Tsu asks Mina. Mina puts a hand on Tsu shoulder I'm sure Uraraka will be ok Mina says.

Yeah what Mina said Toru says.

Jirou and Uraraka with get better and we'll do things how they were Toru says.

But they were wrong...

We see doctors running in the room Uraraka was in and trying to help her but then...

They put a blanket over Uraraka..

A doctor came out the shook their head and went back in..

She's gone Tsu says and starts to cry.

SHES REALLY GONE Tsu yells and gets a hug from Mina and Toru also crying but can't see Toru crying.

Momo comes out of the Jirous room and sees the three crying shes goes and hugs the three.

Shh let it out guys Momo says trying to calm them down.

HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN IF THE PERSON I LOVE THE MOST IS DEAD.!!? Tsu yells running out of the hospital and sits on the ground next to the hospital then Tsu starts shaking..

tsu pov
TSU WAKE UP YOUR WORRYING ME Mina yells trying to wake me up.

Ok ok i'm up Mina. As i sit up rubbing my eyes. And realizing it was a nightmare!

So what happened in your nightmare?? Mina says.

Uraraka is she still alive?? I asked Mina.

Well I mean yeah we've been gone for like almost two days do you miss her that much?? Mina says.

Oh ok good because I had a nightmare of her dying I say with tears in my eyes.

Hey don't cry Mina says while wiping the tears off Tsu's face at least it was a nightmare it wasn't real.

I smile at Mina. Thanks Mina I say.

No problem that's what's friends are for right Mina says.

Yeah that's what's friends are for I say.

Now let's get to packing Momo got most of the some ready Mina says.

Why didn't you help her I ask.

Oh well she told me to check up on you Mina says.

Oh ok as me and Mina get out on the tent and help to pack.

hey guys sorry if i made some of u guys cry or not. but it's almost school time i can't believe it's been two months. well my school is going to start on August 17 i think. I don't know if this was bad or good and I really don't know if there was a rocky villain form the training camp i kinda forgot. but bye guys<3

MomoJirou, Tsuchako, MinaToru, :DWhere stories live. Discover now