Chapter 8: Girls doing their girl stuff

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Jirou POV
Jirou you should go listen to them Uraraka says. Good idea Uraraka I say. I don't think you should do that Momo says. Don't worry she not going to kill me I say. Ok then Momo says. I go up to the door and put my ear jack in the wall and listen. So what are we going to do Toru says in the bathroom. Probably kiss and give each other hickeys Mina says mumbling the hickey. My eyes widened. What is it Uraraka says. Toru just asked Mina what they are going to do in the bathroom and Mina said probably kiss and give each other hickeys I say. Oh and they making out now I say. Ok Uraraka says. Why don't we play true or dare while we wait Momo says. Ok Uraraka says. Sure Tsu says. Ok Tsu true or dare Momo says. Umm dare Tsu says. I dare you to give Uraraka a hickey Momo says while I start laughing. W-Wait what Uraraka says. Well it's a dare Tsu says. So where do you want it Tsu says. Wait you agree to my dare Momo says. Umm yeah Tsu says. So where do you want it Tsu says again. W-What umm p-probably on my n-neck Uraraka says while blushing. Ok then just tell me if it hurts Tsu says. Ok- Uraraka was about to moan but she put her hand of her mouth before she could moan. You can moan Uraraka at least it's not worst then Jirou screaming my name when we have sex in the shower Momo says. Hey you can't blame me you were the one that made me scream your name when we that sex in the shower I say while blushing. T-TMI g-guys ahh~ Uraraka says over moans. Wait guys their saying something I say. Tsu stops giving Uraraka a hickey because she knows that Uraraka want to know the tea. W-What are they saying Jirou Uraraka says still surprise that Tsu gave her a hickey. Mina said she's giving Toru a treat I say. What kind of treat Uraraka says. I don't k- I hear Toru moaning it was kinda loud. Did you guys hear that I say. Yup Uraraka says. She's probably giving Toru a hickey Tsu says. We'll see when they get out of the bathroom Momo says. Maybe I say.

A little time skip

Still Jirou POV
I see the door open so I took my ear jack out of the door and I ran to Momo and tried to sit on her lap.

Mina POV
I see Jirou running towards Momo and she tried to sit on Momo's lap and she succeeded to sit on her lap. Is that Mina's hoodie Toru Uraraka says. Umm yeah Toru says blushing. So do you guys have fun Jirou says. W-What n-no I say closing the door behind me. Well it did sound like you guys had fun we heard Toru moaning Tsu says. You guys heard that I say and seeing Toru in my bed blushing and putting a blanket over her head to hide because how flustered she is. Can we just go to bed I'm tired I say. Your tired because you were making out with Toru Jirou says. W-What no j-just shut up and go to sleep Jirou I say and start to cuddle with my Toru.

Cuddle me Uraraka whines . But I got to go bathroom again I say. Again Uraraka whines. Yes again I say. You love the bathroom more than me Uraraka whines. No I don't I say. Then cuddle with me Uraraka says. Ok I can hold it for a couple of hours I say. Yay Uraraka says. Is this comfortable I say. Yeah Uraraka says.

Jirou POV
Hey be quiet my girlfriend trying to cuddle me I say. I will cuddle you if you stop moving Momo says. Ok fine I turn one more time and accidentally elbowed Momo's boob. Ow fuck Momo whispers quietly but I heard her say that. Oooooo I heard that I say. Then no more cuddles for you then Momo says pulling her hands of me. Nooo I'm sorry I pull Momo's hands on my waist. So is everyone cuddling their girlfriend now Mina says quietly trying not to wake up Toru. Yeah pretty much I say. Yup Uraraka says.

Hey guys is Jirou name suppose to be Jirou or Jiro I feel like I'm typing it wrong. And sorry if their misspelling I'm doing this books at 2 or 3 in the morning but sometimes I fix the misspellings. Ok that's it bye now.

MomoJirou, Tsuchako, MinaToru, :DWhere stories live. Discover now