Chapter 13: The party

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This chapter will include drunk people 18+ and different ships such as Sero x Iida, Shoto x Deku, Kirishima x Bakugou, Denki x Shinso.

Momo POV
So who decided to start a party I say. Me Denki says. Of course it's you Jirou says. And you didn't say no Iida I say. Well my partner Sero would not stop begging me just not to say no and he would give me kisses Iida says while doing his chopping the air with his hand. Since when you and Sero started dating Uraraka says. Two months ago Sero says. Hey I'm thirsty Tsu says. Me to Mina says.

Denki hands me and Mina a cup of "water" and we both drink. Mhm I like it Mina says. What it tastes good Denki get me another I say. Me to give me another Mina says. Dang y'all drank that fast Kirishima says while giving me and Mina another one. Umm babe I don't think you should drink that it has a weird smell to it and it's from Denki and Kirishima Uraraka says. What's the worsted thing that could happened I say while chugging the "water". Well you might get drunk like Deku he keeps saying "Don't worry all might is here" Uraraka says. So he admires all might I say feeling a little dizzy. Look at Mina she making out with Toru Uraraka says. And I say getting another drink. And their drunk Uraraka says. The only sober ones are Shoto, Me, Shinso, Iida, Toru, Kirishima, Jirou, Momo, and Bakugou. Hey babygirl are you single. Tsu are you drunk Uraraka says. No drunk *hic* I am I say. Yes you are Uraraka says.

Kirishima POV
I see Mina and Toru making out. I see Tsu on Uraraka lap and telling her she cute and hot. I see Momo carrying Jirou bridal style and kissing her and their not even drunk. Every drunk person is kissing their partners or telling them their cute. Isn't weird Bakubabe how their doing the same things when their drunk. Told you to stop calling me Bakubabe Bakugou says. Then what should I call you I say. King explosion murder Bakugou says. That's to long I'll just call you my King I say. W-What as long it's not Bakubabe Bakugou says.

18+ warning ⚠️

Toru POV
So I'm making out with Mina I say in my mind. Wait I'm making out with Mina I say again in my mind. Are you enjoying it cutie pie Mina says. I can smell vodka coming from her mouth. Umm Mina are you drunk I ask her. Maybe she says look around my head and trying to find my neck. What are you looking at I asked her. I'm looking for a good spot to bite you Mina says licking her lips. Why are you going to bite me I asked her. I don't know I just want to get you a hickey Mina says still trying to find a spot. W-Wait how are going to do that if I'm invisible I say. Well I'm going to trying stop me if it hurts and if it doesn't you'll probably make a sound for me Mina says coming towards me. O-Ok I say. She bites and at first it hurt a little but it started to feel good a little to good. I let out a sound of pleasure. Mina pulls away. So you like that huh Mina says. H-How I'm i-invisible I say. I got my ways Mina says.

Your safe I think 🤔

Jirou POV
Hey baby can we get drunk I ask Momo. Why do you want to get drunk Momo says. Because mostly everyone is drunk I say. Well it not going to be my fault for having hickey on your body when we wake up tomorrow Momo says grabbing two drinks from the table. W-What so it's a yes I say. Yep Momo says. Hey beautiful are you single Momo says. No I say drunkly. What was is this girl Momo says grabbing my chin and pulling it close to her face. My girlfriend is you I say and pull her into a kiss. Oh let's go to the bed Momo says. Ok cutie I say. I see Yao-Momo on top of me and we started to make out. And things progressed from their.

You guys know what happened to Momo and Jirou ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) and another 18+ warning ⚠️

Uraraka POV
Toru help me I say. Why Toru says. Tsu is drunk and she won't stop flirting with me I say. I'm spying on people Toru says. Babygirl where are you~ Tsu says. I give up I'm over here babe I yell. I saw Denki and Shinso making out and Momo and Jirou going to a room Toru says. I found you babygirl you want to know something Tsu says. What is it I say. What's wet and long and I always give you Tsu says. W- What umm I don't know I say. My tongue Tsu says winking at me. H-Huh I say while getting all red. I don't think that's flirty Toru says. T-Tsu don't do that I say pushing her softy. But you enjoyed it Tsu says. So did she enjoy your tongue or the joke Toru says. U-Umm I say. So what happened to Mina I say. She fell asleep after we were making out and I took her to my dorm Toru says. You guys were making out that explains the red spot on your neck I say. Y-You can see that Toru says. Yep I say. Can we go to my dorm and do some stuff Tsu says. What stuff I say. You know Tsu says and winks. Umm later guys I got a text from Mina but I think she's still drunk a little so I'm going to cuddle with her Toru says. Ok later Toru I say. So now that we are alone you want to go to my dorm Tsu says. Are you still drunk I say. I am no drunk Tsu says. Your still drunk I say. No Tsu says. I'm going to carry you up to your dorm and we can do "stuff" I say. Ok Tsu says. We go upstairs and we hear squeaking noises in Momo's dorm and is that Jirou moaning. Nope nope nope I quicken my paste. I put Tsu on the bed. So what "stuff" you wanted to do I say. Make out and giving hickeys Tsu says. Straight forward huh I say. No gay forward Tsu says and then pulling me on the bed. I take off my shirt it just leaves you bra and my pants on.

I start to give Uraraka hickeys from her neck to her thighs. M-Mhm Tsuyu Uraraka says. My turn Uraraka says while taking my shirt off. She leaves hickeys on my neck to my left arm. Ahh~ O-Ochako I say.

Hello guys the next chapter is the after math of the party.

MomoJirou, Tsuchako, MinaToru, :DWhere stories live. Discover now