Chapter 37

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Jade’s head began to ache as the carriage muddled its way through the paved road. She hadn’t slept all night and the long, winding road left her with little chance to doze off. Even when her eyes closed for longer intervals Luke’s scream would startle her awake.

Ambrose was manning her carriage while his son was in charge of her belongings in the vehicle behind them. She did not intend to stay long at her country estate but even a meagre amount of female garments needed an absurd amount of space. The girl almost wished she could have the old wardrobe back which could easily be stuffed into a rucksack.

Jade gazed out of the window again and estimated they had half an hour before sunset. She pulled the bell string and the carriage slowed down to a halt.

Jade listened to Ambrose’s dismount on the stone and his quiet steps towards her. The shutter of the carriage opened and the breath the brown haired girl was holding was let free. It was almost as if she were waiting for something to go wrong.

“I think it’s time we settled down for the night. We must stop at the next inn,” Jade ordered with a friendly smile, hiding her moment of panic. She was grateful she had managed to find her former employee. The man had only lasted a month before leaving Permelia’s employment. The carriage driver had searched for Jade even before he vacated his position but found no inkling of her location.

“As you wish, my Lady,” Ambrose’s wizened eyes crinkled with a look of fondness. The man had been extremely effusive when he had been informed of her changed circumstances.

The carriage staggered back and forth before continuing its journey. The clip clop sound of the horses' feet lulled Jade closer to slumber. She had only rested her eyes for a moment when she blinked awake at the sound of joyful laughter. She opened the glass window behind the shutters and found the carriage parked outside a homely looking village tavern.

“Miss, should I help you out?” Ambrose’s young daughter asked as she opened the polished door. Her eyes were stuck to the staff in Jade’s hands. The young maid had been riding in the other carriage alongside her brother. Any other time she would have kept her maid close but Jade did not feel she was up to having company during the journey.

The brown haired girl shook her head in negation. She gazed down at her staff and decided it was time to forgo it. The taller girl let the stick roll back into the carriage with a clatter and took firm steps onto the solid ground.

Once inside the cosy cottage entrance Jade saw many locals loitering for their daily beverages or an escape from the cold. They stared at the important looking Lady walk in but Jade was unbothered by the attention. She signalled at the inn owner to come forth from behind the counter.

“My good man, we need two rooms for the night. One for myself and one for my staff. I should hope you would oblige immediately. We intend to head out early tomorrow,” Jade observed the middle aged man with a cool, steely stare.

“Y-yes, We have the rooms available. Do you travel alone, My Lady- ?” The portly Inn owner looked around in wait of a male travel partner. Out of the capital bounds a woman traveling along was a rare sight and Jade did not begrudge him for looking alarmed.

“Lady Durnn,” Jade added helpfully, “And, yes, I travel alone.”

The inn owner hastily bowed and pulled out his register from behind the counter. He beckoned over a young bar maid and informed the party she would lead them to their rooms.

As they ascended one staircase over the other Jade could feel tendrils of perspiration beginning to form. By the time the group reached her room she could sense her knees shaking. Dismissing the family of her three loyal servants Jade collapsed on the welcoming rug as she shut the door behind her. It was absurd how a little exertion had destroyed her stamina.

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