Chapter 26

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The next day and the day after they continued down the narrow mountain path in the same vein. The journey was brisk and the only breaks taken in daylight were to rest the horses. There was an urgency in the Prince's face that grew tighter and tighter as the sun rose and disappeared each day.

They finally came down the rocky mountain side on an overcast day and took a short circuit around the mountain to head towards Edenshire. The rough pathway carved out in the rock by the absent villagers was inundated with overgrown grass. It took them another three days to reach the end of the deserted, valley. They passed through overgrown orchards and grasslands that were no longer tended to by their owners. 

"The map says there's another village ahead. We should get there before sundown," The mustached officer pointed at his copy of the map as the group rested the horses. They had taken the bulk of horse feed from the abandoned village and were rationing it wisely.

The group of riders reached the serene lakeside village before sun down. Dotted around the perimeter were ruins much older than the new builds clustered along the south. Unfortunately it did not matter how old or new each building was. It was utterly devoid of human presence. In fact, they had not seen a single animal since the start of the day. The soldiers were grateful they were well stocked with edibles.

"Is it wise to set up camp next to such desolation? What if it's cursed land?" The redheaded soldier nervously dismounted as if expecting the land to recede from beneath his feet.

"I see no harm. We will be next to water and shelter," Dimitri, who had no interest in being well versed with superstitions, shrugged the other man's worries away.

"What if the water is poisoned?" Jade asked. She crouched down to swirl a finger in the clear lake. It was warm to the touch and the secretary surmised hot springs brought up the water to the surface.

"The witch's magic cannot touch water. I believe it will be safe," Luke remarked, his grey eyes fixed on the liquid lost in thought. His dark hair was loose around his face even with the leather binding straining to contain them.

Jade looked high at the dwindling sunlight and saw something on the higher end of the mountain range. A sprawling structure was resting on a peak encircled by clouds.

"Is that the castle of Edenshire?" The secretary asked redundantly. She had already memorised the map. The contents of it were etched in her mind.

"It doesn't look welcoming," Dimitri settled next to the girl on the ground, to wash his dust coated hands. He hummed in pleasure at the water's temperature.

"I think it's our destination, Your Highness," Jade looked at the Prince, certain her instincts were correct.

Luke opened his rucksack and pinched out the small bag of marbles. They behaved predictably until the arrow was pointed at the castle for a few moments before they disintegrated. The men clutched their hats and said prayers out aloud in shock and alarm. The Prince brushed his hands to rid himself of the residue and crouched down with rest of the party to access the water.

He slowly allowed the warm liquid to pool in his palms. With his grey eyes closed he gave a shuddering breath. A hint of a smile appeared on his face as if the signs of magic did not trouble him.

"We have reached our destination, at last," His smooth voice was as languid as his motions in the water, "After we set up camp we must enjoy this lake for a bath. In this weather it is a blessing to find hot water."

The soldiers cheered, breaking the silence of the lifeless valley and set about following their usual nightime routine, anticipating the treat of warm water.

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