Chapter 34

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Jade clambered out of the magistrate’s office with a sense of relief soothing her tense shoulders. Her lips twitched with the effort to keep a smile off her face. In her gloved hand she held documents that declared her childhood home was now in her possession.

She flipped through her leather binder and her eyes eagerly scanned the magistrate’s notice. She was about to slam her binder shut when her eyes narrowed down on another note. The handwriting was extremely familiar.

Attend the hearing in room IIV at noon.

Jade pulled out her pocket watch from the fashion forward gown’s vest pocket and realised she was already late. 

Jade was the only woman in the magistrate court’s corridors and she was stared at as her magenta gown swished against the flat heels of her boots. Jade held her head high and walked as swiftly as she could with her punishing limp.

The girl read the room numbers etched into the whitewashed walls, carefully. Once she found her destination she slipped into the room making little noise despite having to manoeuvre her staff over the flagstone steps. The public courts were always open to the public so there was no impediment to her entry. Full access was deemed essential for a fair trial.

The magistrate sat at the head of a long wooden desk under the King’s coat of arms hanging on the wall behind him. The entire room was wood panelled with the defendants sat on circular benches at the magistrate’s left. The benches behind the guards were set for anyone who wished to witness the proceedings.

Permelia sat at the edge of her wooden bench, wiping her quiet tears with a lace handkerchief. She wore a white, modest gown which, with the combination of her fair hair, made her look angelic. To the random bystander she looked like a woman trapped into a life of crime rather than the mastermind of it. There were two other men who sat at her side. One of them was the Lord of Marckley who had stony expression on his drowsy face. The other was Jade’s father’s former solicitor. 

Jade’s brown eyes landed on the back of familiar dark hair and with a exhale decided it was high time she faced her fears.

“You’re late. The proceedings have been interesting,” Luke whispered while Jade took her seat next to him. The court bench felt uncomfortable despite the petticoats beneath her dress but she was determined to preserve.

“I wasn’t expecting anyone here. Surely you cannot find this much entertainment in my private squabbles,” Jade muttered back.

From the corner of her eyes she noticed the bodyguards shadowing the Prince. Her eyes swept onto her stepmother’s weeping figure with disgust. The criminal still hadn’t noticed her stepdaughter so involved she was in her act. 

“I find it quite satisfactory when a trial comes to a just end although the trial is far from finished,” The Prince’s eyes grazed over his companion, “But yes, I’m here to meet you. You’ve been avoiding me.”

“I thought an eminent personality such as yourself wouldn’t want me taking up too much of your time. You always have a busy schedule. I should know,” The tall girl gave the Prince half a smile.

“I would always have time for you,” The Prince replied warmly.

His grey eyes darted over to her face before examining the farce Permelia was displaying. Her sobs had only gotten longer as the opposing advocate continued listing down her crimes.

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