Chapter 13

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Elliot's grey, feathery eyebrows danced along with a variety of emotions displayed on his face. Jade was just grateful he did not look displeased by the display.

"The Royal Prince has been apprehended," Jade jumped from her position and stood up straight to explain herself, "He seems to think he is allowed to wander the palace alone."

"Allowed?" The Prince still lounging on the carpet gave her a sardonic smile, "Quite presumptuous of a man on the first day of his job."

"When it comes to the Prince's safety I believe my presumptions are necessary."

"I was safe before a boy jumped on me," The grey eyed man quipped back.

"He's correct, you know. There needs to be a change in the way you operate until the matter is contained," Elliot interjected, giving Jade one of his rare, sober smiles. It seems like he approved of Jade's methods which gave her immense relief. She had wondered whether she would be tossed out of the palace unceremoniously but the danger had passed.

"A girl is no matter to be contained," Luke announced stiffly as he rose to his full height.

"Yes, she is, if she puts your life in danger," The older man said gruffly as if the matter was closed, "You may return to your rooms, Mr. Ward. We shall return our Prince back to his rooms safe and sound."

Jade gave the remaining men a solemn bow and walked up the stairs with only one shoe adorning her feet. She could hear Elliot's sharp tones raising to a crescendo as he lectured the stubborn Prince but she could not understand the words as the distance between them increased.

Jade woke up to the sound of rustling paper. She wet her dry lips and turned her aching head to the left. She found herself staring at a blurry form. She blinked into the sunlight from the open curtains she had never moved until her mind cleared enough to realise Prince Luke was right in front of her.

"Your highness," The tall girl gasped as she toppled from the bench in her private living room. She had apparently fallen asleep in front of the fire after a long night in front of her desk.

It was unfair she groused to herself that she had even less privacy than when she had shared her rooms with multiple men. Jade had locked her rooms but the man still sat on her chair with his feet irreverently on her desk reading the half written letter she intended to dispatch to her landlord.

"We have a book reading party to attend to in an hour or so. Hurry up!" Luke ordered, giving her the briefest of amused glances. His eyes were fixed on the contents of the wooden desk.

"R-reading party?" Jade's dry mouth stumbled over the words as she gathered herself. She managed to take a seat on one of the errant chairs.

"My brother, the consumate host, has many events planned on the calendar. He is determined everyone should praise his stupid boat at least once this summer. Hence the outdoor location of what should have been indoors event," The man explained with fraying patience and rubbed his forehead as if he had a headache.

"Have they found the person who pushed Emma off the boat?" Jade suddenly remembered how the last boat party had ended.

"No, although I am certain it is one of Edward's close circle. Why do you think I wish to attend?" Luke gave his secretary a probing look.

"Of course," Jade understood his urgency all at once, "Someone needs to keep an eye on Emma."

Jade pulled herself up from her seated position and walked to the bed behind the wooden screen. The screen gave her enough privacy to leave behind a messy bed that no one in front of the fireplace would be wiser to but you could discern movement easily.

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