Chapter 2

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"Luke, have you lost your senses," A hoarse voice echoed in the dark room.

"Maybe," A reply emerged from beneath the pile of goose feather pillows.

Luke heard sounds of curtains being opened and tried to submerge in the covers as the rare patch of sunlight filtered in.

"You haven't stepped out of your room in ages; the staff is beginning to talk," The man who pulled the curtains scolded. The young man entangled in his covers did not reply.

"I know what you want but your recent bacon-brained behaviour is ridiculous. Nobody can get what they want by moping in bed."

"I can't find her, Elliot. I've made public announcements; offered rewards. It's hopeless," Luke finally spoke mournfully, "I am on the verge of taking that shoe to every available female to see if it fits someone."

"All this trouble for a girl you've only met once," Elliot grumbled, pushing his toupee backwards.

"She is all that I have ever dreamed of," Luke murmured intensely trying to dispel her smiling face from his eyes.

"You young men and your dreams," Elliot muttered, "In my youth we'd find a bit of muslin to have fun with and leave this sapheaded love business for the books." He pulled out a white linen shirt with flowing shirt sleeves and a grey waistcoat from the closet for his charge.

"You know I'm leaving soon," Elliot broke the silence as he retrieved a matching frock coat.

"What," Luke finally broke out of his reverie to face his secretary, "You never informed me of this." His grey eyes blinked as he adjusted himself to the light in the room.

"My knees are wearing out and my cough that you so detest is taking a toll on me. Your father already knows of this and so would you if you ever paid any attention to me. You need young blood to follow you around."

With this pronouncement the elderly man went back to digging in the closet for suitable clothes.


"Have you 'eard about the trouble brewin' in the Royal palaces?" The young girl ironing Jade's plum blouse whispered to her neighbour.

"What?" The washer woman leaned in curiously completely missing Jade who was waiting for her clothes to be ironed.

"Young Prince Luke's fallen in love!"

"Really," The young washer woman blushed profusely at the thought, "The Prince is such a catch; what a lucky lass, but what possible trouble could it have done."

"The fact that he's besotted with a Lady whose name he don't know and he's only met her once at this year's ball," The lady speaking pushed some more coal in her iron.

"She must be ever so pretty to get his attention," The ironing girl sighed wistfully.

"Won't have a chance with a bloke like Prince Luke with my pointy looks," The washer woman shook her head. The two women were so busy looking miserable that Jade wanted to interrupt them with a cough.

"But you still 'ave a chance, lassy," The young one squeaked as she remembered an important detail, "They say the mysterious gal's left behind a shoe."

"A shoe," The washer woman was put off.

"A glass slipper that every marriageable female must try on."

"And then what?"

"And if it fits the Prince will marry the lucky lass."

Both women sighed again.

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