Chapter 20

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Jade neck hurt from the whiplash of moving away with haste. Her stepmother was trying to make conversation with a distinguished Lady and hadn't noticed her at all. Behind them stood Lord George of Marckley with a bored expression on his face.

The tall girl tried to divert her attention to her friends' performance but her eyes could not focus on anything. Permelia tinkling laugh was clouding all her senses. The rage she felt was unprecedented.

The secretary's fists clenched until crescents were embedded in her palms and her heart raced so frantically she wondered if it would burst out of her chest. She closed her eyes and tried to breath through the haze of panic and anger.

A hand was lightly placed on her shoulder and Jade started so badly that she nearly tripped in one of the water features. Her brown eyes opened to Prince Luke's troubled face.

"You look distressed?" The Prince queried. His dark eyebrows were scrunched in concern. Jade tried to smile but it came out more a grimace.

"Where's Emma?" She asked instead. Her hand unconsciously landed on her chest as if too calm her racing heart.

"I've handed her to my brother. He had his name written down
on her dancing card for the second dance," Luke replied. He gestured towards the now full dance floor but his eyes remained on his secretary's wane face.

"I'm glad he took the initiative," Jade answered with an evident delay. She took the risk of taking a glance to her left. Her stepmother was now standing next to George the filthy with a pout on her face.

The woman had not lost any of her looks in the recent months. Her new gown was fashioned for a green chit debuting at her first ball and not a widowed woman of undetermined years but it did not look out of place on her. Jade's eyes widened when she noticed her mother's Burmese ruby around her neck along with various other gold chains.

"Excuse me, Sire. Sir Elliot has asked me to perform an errand," Jade murmured before abandoning the man to his fate. Strangely enough this part of the plan worked out perfectly according to her current temperament. Elliot had made it clear she must leave the Prince's side to give their foe an opportunity to make their move.

Jade stumbled away from the inquisitive stare and hurried towards the other end of the hall. At this vantage point she could keep an eye on the Prince while maintaining her distance. There were many other guards chosen to keep the Prince safe tonigt but it gave her a sense of calm to continue her usual role.

Lady Elena and her usual companions stood near the refreshments table. They were whispering among themselves but broke apart as soon as they noticed the secretary. The Lady accosted Jade after another round of hushed conversation.

"Will you not ask us for a dance?" Lady Elena asked in a fetching manner. Jade had not expected
to be asked at all and gave the group a gormless stare. Her old fashioned governess would have slayed her if she had dared to be so bold but it seems times were changing.

"My Lady, I am still on official duty. I am afraid I am not allowed to enjoy the merriments of the ball," Jade lied to the woman. Luke would be delighted to see her pursue the various delights of the evening even if Sir Elliot disapproved.

"Surely, Prince Luke, hasn't chosen a craven companion," The Lady hid her pouting mouth behind her fan.

"Your assertion is correct, my Lady," The taller girl answered with no dent to her ego.

"Then you could at least pour us some refreshments. It is getting so hot from all the people," The girl next to Elena asked.

The speaker received a glare from her friends for trying to usurp the conversation but Jade pretended not to see the clashing looks and obliged the Ladies. The secretary poured them lemonade in tiny decorative glasses to ease the heat.

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