Chapter 32

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In the past few months Jade forgot most of her dreams or perhaps never dreamed at all but tonight was different. She dreamt of the biting, freezing water and the razor sharp rock that sliced through her skin. She slammed against one rock and then other. The witch it seems to have dissolved into nothingness once she lost her grip on her captive.

Jade gradually awoke with a sense of calm. She was now certain the witch was no longer a threat. The girl fumbled for her staff and arose from the foldable bed. The tent was empty barring her own belongings for it was erected especially for her.

As soon as Jade peeked out of the canvas door after her toiletry she was greeted with a sight of the Prince chiseling wood with his trusty axe. She was certain he had been positioned himself outside her tent entrance deliberately.

"Good, you're ready for exercise," The man said brightly. He looked as if all the worries in the world had been lifted from his shoulders. His whole countenance was brighter, lighter in a way he had never been before.

"Me? Why?" Jade's brown eyes widened as she pointed at herself. Her eyebrows did a complex dance before finally settling down.

"Just because you're no longer under my tutelage does not mean I do not seek betterment for you. The lack of exercise is not good for your injuries," Luke shook his head as if reprimanding her but his tone contained no acid. 

"Err... I'm not exactly well enough for energetic exercise," The tall girl scratched her nose. She was still limping and aching in various places.

"Its an endless cycle. When you feel unwell you do not exercise and when you do not exercise you feel unwell. Once you start exerting yourself you will notice the difference," The Prince explained. He stood from his spot with a graceful sweep of his robe and gestured to his left.

"Oh very well. I cannot dissuade you it seems," Jade limped out of the tent with her staff supporting her entire weight. She was bundled up in a heavy cloak and had her scarf tightly wound on her head.

The Prince took her to an emptied patch of field and showed her various exercises beneficial for her body. His heavy cloak impeded his movements so he swiftly pulled it off braving the frigid wind. Jade admired his well built form discreetly.

It was not like the time Jade had been trained to fight. The repetitive movements centered around her injuries. When Dimtiri walked into the grove his expressions brightened at the sight of them.

"Tell me you're here to announce a fine breakfast," Jade declared. Her leg was propped on a rock while Luke held her ankle.

"Keep moving," The Prince scolded.

"Perhaps my feminine energy will not allow for further exertion," Jade freed her ankle from his iron grip and slumped down on the floor. Her legs splayed under her skirt but the volume of the outfit hid her ungraceful movements.

"Maybe she is exhausted," Dimitri's heavy brow was raised.

"She's lying through her teeth," Luke proclaimed with a scoff, "Back on your feet. You must exercise if you are to heal."

"I... could take over," Dimitri asked, "I was here to relieve you of the night duty. You must have some rest, your highness."

"I suppose," The Prince reached for his outerwear reluctantly, "Carry on... I must give the group instructions for the journey. If you shall excuse me."

The Prince did not look like he wanted to remove himself from the scene but marched away giving the remaining pair an indescribable look.

"Stop gazing at him like that if you do not wish for him to know you still hold feelings for him," The bodyguard chided with a broad grin, "Exhibit some of the acting skills you showcased at the palace."

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