Chapter 31

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Jade's rough hands clung onto the staff as she jostled herself upwards. The slick mud beneath her feet did not make her trip easy.

With another grunt she found herself on the empty farmland that was taken over by the soldiers. The girl found them industriously at work on a wooden contraption. Where they got the wood from she couldn't even fathom for so high up the trees had dwindled in number.

The soldier guarding them got up from his post and gave her a flustered bow. He gave his furry hat an incline despite the frozen weather. He had been one of the soldiers in their previous quest and was still having a hard time adjusting to her new gender.

Jade acknowledged his greeting and limped slowly ahead, knowing all eyes were upon her. The soldiers' gloved hands continued their work but their beady eyes followed her progress. She tried not to care because her interest in their project surpassed her embarrassment. She circled around the scattered wooden parts and came to a halt in front of the Prince who worked along side his subjects.

"I almost expect you to bring out our beans," Luke remarked coolly as he laid down his axe. He had been chiseling wood stumps for the mystery project.

"My pockets are empty although I did make use of them. They've been planted in some pots in the cottage to ensure I don't lose them," Jade answered. The fog unfurled from her mouth and travelled to the Prince.

"In the middle of winter?" The Prince raised his brow. He gave her his arm but Jade stared at it blankly. She kept her weight on the staff and resumed her perusal of the wooden parts.

"It'll be spring in an heartbeat. The plant will reveal itself," Jade answered. She paused a distance away with the intention of leaving soon. Her bones were beginning to ache. She finally asked the question the entire town was curious about, "What are you doing?"

"Making a carriage," The Prince answered as a matter of fact.

"Why? Didn't think you your Princely rear needs the rest, your highness," Jade controlled a noisy snort at her own pathetic joke.

"I doubt you'd enjoy a trip over horseback," Luke replied without reacting to her amusement. His grey eyes were upon her, waiting for his friend's reaction.

"This is... Far beyond what I deserve. It's too much,"Jade swivelled herself away, her stiff skirt shifting very little with the movement. She fully intended to remove herself from the scene as her colour heightened. All this effort was for her.

"Why would you not deserve a comfortable transport. The witch disappeared because of your efforts. Your bravery is not heard of in this day and age," The taller man called out to her back. Jade slowed down her descent and allowed the Prince to join her.

"Has there been no trace of her?" The former secretary asked with her eyes on the bleak horizon, "I floated in the river for as long as I could. The witch clung so hard I had the marks even after. She tried to drag me under water but I pushed her off me. I don't know what happened next. I lost consciousness and woke up in Jemima's bed."

The Prince did not reply as they began their steady pace down the mud laden hillside. He looked as if he were controlling an outburst. The man swallowed heavily and spoke with measured tones, "Your actions were dangerous. I-I don't know what possessed you to take such risks. Never again must you act with such impulsiveness."

"It was the ideal moment. No one was looking at me. The witch anticipated correctly that you would try to free the girl first," Jade explained and felt no chagrin at his scolding. She was certain her actions at the time were correct.

"Is that what you think of me. That I would leave you to your suffering. That I would choose someone else," The wounded look in Prince Luke's troubled eyes made its presence felt.

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