Chapter 24

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"We must continue our journey," Luke's words were demanding as Jade circled the map with their location.

Dimitri vetoed the Prince's suggestion with a deferential tone which was usually absent in Jade's voice.

"Your Highness, I respectfully disagree that we must move forward. The sun will go down soon and we must set up camp now," The man pleaded their case. The sun had yet to show its face but the daylight grew dimmer and dimmer indicating what Dimitri said was true, "It is far too dangerous."

The Prince's lips all but disappeared, showcasing his displeasure. Jade felt another stab of disappointment at his behaviour. It seemed the life and limb of none of his companions were worth more than a girl he barely knew.

"We could tie a rope to go down the cliff in the morning in the meanwhile," The officer from before suggested and he looked elated with the renewed attention.

"You certainly like to tie things up," Jade snorted allowing a round of laughter.

The Prince for whom she had cracked the joke for was unmoved. The man stalked away to stare down the sharp clifface. The clouds would move with the pinching mountain wind, revealing the cliff's secrets in gusts of wind. Jade followed him and embraced the chilly air.

"We should wait till the clouds clear up," The secretary said, quietly. A surreptitious look around revealed Dimitri was busy allocating chores to ensure the camp could be set up smoothly.

"I am not willing to change my position on the topic," The Royal uttered taking an unyielding stance. His jawline clenched with tension.

"You should be patient, Your Highness. It is no use being this hasty," The tall girl lectured.

"I cannot sit here and waste another day. We should have found a way down the mountain by now," Prince Luke vented. He looked down the cliff face as if it were a mere anthill; an easy obstacle to vanquish. A drop of water splattered down the side of the man's face.

"And what of the men. What if someone trips and falls in the absence of light?" Jade argued. She was feeling perturbed by the sudden uncaring attitude of the Prince. She was swiftly reminded that his apathy might not be of his own accord. Magical powers were always at the attack.

"Barring you, everyone is a well trained soldier," The man retorted, "I wonder why Elliot was persistent you must be taken along. You will only slow me down."

"Some things need to take a slow approach, like falling in love."

"Love is like a galloping horse. Sometimes it's impossible to halt it's existence," The dark haired man expressed his view. He suddenly confided in a low ton, "I see her all the time now. She has invaded my conscience thoroughly."

Jade understood he was fully entrapped but she could help but argue, "That's not love! What you feel is a toxic infatuation. It is not real!"

The tall man was silent. His arms unfolded and his fingers clenched and unclenched. His usually pleasant face was now glowering into the distance. Jade hastened to apologize but the man cut her off with a wave of his hand.

"You have hurt me grievously with your assertion. My unpractised heart may not know of mundanity of love but I am certain I don't feel any less," The man tried to express his wretched feelings, "You talk as if you have any experience what so ever. I doubt you've even looked at any girl with adoration."

His words gave Jade pause. His assumptions were true. While she had never been interested in the female form she had never laid her heart down for the male species either. She looked away into the view of nothingness of the clouds as she formulated her words. 

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