Chapter 33

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Duke Dorian had great talent in filling up a quiet room with his chatter. His new heir was the topic of interest and it took less then a minute to convey to the present company that he was besotted with his progeny.

Luke kept his gaze on his roasted venison as if it held great mysteries of the world. Jade, unlike before, joined the Royals on their dining table instead of the chair resting against the stone wall. She worried her lip as she sent a furtive looks at the Prince. He had kept his eyes off her since they entered the dining room and she couldn't fathom why.

Jade was seated next to Prince Luke while the Princess and her husband sat across from them. The formidable Princess had a soft smile focused on her chattering husband. The woman was clearly too lovelorn to find the behaviour anything but endearing.

"So, when shall we hear your good news?" Dorian asked with jovial smile.

"Good news?" Luke frowned into his meal. His dour expression belied no anticipation of such announcements.

"The Prince has rescued the damsel and she must make him an honest man," The blond man laughed as if entertained by his own statement.

"You m-misunderstand-" Jade stammered but Delilah's wave of hand ceased her attempt.

"Hush, dear husband. This is indelicate talk. They have barely had a breath in the civilised word. You make them blush," The dark haired woman gave the pair a slowly unfurling smirk.

"Sister, that's-" Luke's face was indeed ruddy and Jade could not claim her own was any better. Their eyes held their gaze for a heartbeat before releasing each other of their hold.

"No need to clarify yourself. I know what I know," Delilah's smile was calculating. She was deliberately obfuscating the truth.

A self important looking servant entered the room and whispered in the Duke's ear. The man nodded and gave his guests an apology for abandoning them. He followed the servant out of the room.

"What is the meaning of this?" The Prince glowered at his sister. His hands clutched the silver cutlery with a painful grip.

"I haven't the foggiest notion of what you're saying," The Princess brushed off his glare as if it were a mild nuisance.

"We are not... together," Luke halted his words. He swallowed as if he could not bear to vocalise his thoughts. Jade felt her shoulders droop uncomfortably.

"Can't you see my husband has not recognised your secretary. He believes she is the maiden you were questing for," Delilah waved her hand as if it were obvious.

"Forgive me, Delilah, but your husband's wits have always been questionable. I don't know why you chose him out of all your suitors," Luke abandoned the cutlery with an ill natured humph.

"At least I did not attempt to find my beloved by shoving a glass shoe at all the women I could find," Delilah's words were cutting. She did not take kindly to anyone dimsissing her husband.

Luke looked ready to leave the table but Jade's firm hand caught his wrist. She wanted them both to hear what the Princess had to say. It always boded well for the future to have a plan. The woman in front of them had more cunning than them combined.

"Your secretary is dead in Dorian's eyes. It might be easier to merge Lady Durnn with polite society if everyone else believe the same," The Princess declared.

"Why are you so adamant to thust her into the forefront of the ton. She does not want that," The dark haired man crossed his arms. Jade could still feel the warmth of his skin tingling in her hands.

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