Chapter 25

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"Wipe your chin. You're drooling," Dimitri commanded his friend with a jovial grin moments after the Prince exited the tent.

"What, why?" Jade belatedly realised what her friend meant as her hands patted her chin. She glared at him for his impertinence, "Stop being obnoxious."

"He's a handsome fellow, I'll give you that but you must be careful," The man cautioned with a low tone of voice. Outside the tent there was much ruckus, giving them privacy but one could never be too sure who could hear.

"Careful? there's nothing to be careful about. I consider him just a friend," Jade whispered, her words, quick and frantic.

"Even that is too dangerous.

He is a royal Prince Jade," Dimitri 's warning rumbled low in his throat, "You cannot assume he cares for you more than one would an employee."

"Of course not," Jade lied. She had begun to get used to their camaraderie as if they had never been apart.

"I know his lack of airs befitting his station makes you feel like he is a close friend but if there comes anytime he has to choose between you and his duty he will always choose the correct path."

"I would never let him choose me. I am not that unprincipled," Jade sighed as the conversation weighed down on her. Her friend was correct. Luke would never protect her from the consequences if he found out she was lying to him. The betrayal would be too acute.

"He has never encouraged his male admirers in case you were wondering?" Her friend's tone of voice turned coy.

"I know, Dimitri!" Jade hissed as she positioned her cravet around her neck in a bid to make herself presentable, "I'm done with this conversation!"

"Maybe if you encountered him dressed as a female..." Her friend said out aloud, speculatively.

"In case you haven't noticed we are currently on a quest to save the lady who has stolen his heart. I really don't think he shall be interested in wooing any one else. Cease your line of thought," Jade admonished the man before turning on the heel of her hiking boots and departing the room with a flourish of her coat.

The freezing air struck her as soon the canvas tent closed behind her and she pulled her coat closer. Night time had dropped the temperature considerably. All the soldiers were busy in their tasks while the Prince and the select few officers were pouring over the map.

"Thank you for saving my neck," Jade announced as she joined the men. They barely acknowledged her presence so deep they were in their planning. Luke absentmindedly gave her a lopsided smile before turning back to the map.

"It's a rocky terrain downhill to my knowledge. The horses will need to be helped down one by one. We cannot leave them behind because without them our journey will be slowed down considerably," A robust young man informed the Prince with a dour expression.

"We also need to keep awake at night. The lion may have further companions prowling in the dark," Another mustached man tapped his finger along the length of the forest ahead of them.

"Sire, was this not an odd attack? These animals attack in the pitch darkness of the night. It shouldn't have decided to hunt when we were awake and aware," Dimitri spoke as soon as he joined them.

"Maybe Sir Rutherford's singing led the animal towards us," Jade's joke had no takers and fell flat on it's face.

"There is definitely something amiss. Be on your guard. Magic is not something to be trifled with," Prince Luke dictated and Jade mentally noted down the conversation in her head. She had to be able to regurgitate the entire conversation when she faced Elliot once again.

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