Chapter 9

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After a storm of desserts Jade started to feel her corset tighten up beyond the demands of her stomach. Overindulgence was quite the folly in her restrictive attire and the girl arched her neck in order to gaze at other diners' meals with a solid hope they were finished so she could look forward to a lie down.

The crown Prince much to her agitation began his concluding speech as soon as the plates were cleared up by silent servants. He nattered on about one thing or the other Jade couldn't care less about. Mercifully his attention was diverted by the sycophants surrounding him allowing her to safely look at her hands and pretend her ears were doing their work.

The room's occupants were swift in their departure as soon as the Princes vacated the dining room. Jade was forced to accompany her fellow roommates out of the doors with a quick wave at Emma's pale face. The group of young men lost their cohesiveness as soon as they were away from prying eyes and Jade lingered behind still cursing her random bout of gluttony.

She was startled when a firm hand gripped her arm and pulled her towards a nook underneath the main straircase. Prince Luke's grey eyes met her dark brown ones and the girl stared back not understanding why he had accosted her so.

The urge to scream was an instinct that bubbled within her along with the urge to slam a fist into his face but she waited for him to reveal his intentions. The sharp sliver of panic in anticipation of something untoward occurring melted away as she remembered she was not a woman at all. Not in his eyes anyway. If he had a propensity for men then she would soon find out. 

"I would wish to know what your intentions are for young Emma?" Luke asked with a tilted head as if they often conversed about the mundaneness of the weather underneath staircases. 

"My intentions?" The girl nearly laughed. Of course she was being interrogated. Her friend had shown their relationship was far from superficial and their camaraderie must have caught the man's attention at the dinner.

"Yes?" The Prince waited for an answer as if he possessed the ability to wait forever.

"I have no intentions towards her or any women for that matter. I have nothing to my name to make any foolish declarations. Emma is a friend and just that. We are both aware of the lack of attraction between us," Jade said with a hint of a smile. Being in such tight quarters with the Prince gave her the opportunity to note the features upon his handsome face. She could not find any obvious flaws much to her chagrin. His nose was narrow, his teeth were straight, his dark hair showed no sign of thining. 

"That is advisable for the future," The man answered lightly as if his words were not a threat. His grey eyes were the only indication how seriously he took their interaction. 

"And may I ask what the crown Prince's intentions are for my friend?" Jade reciprocated. She knew there was something brewing in the background she was not privy to and she would not take kindly for anyone to disturbing her friend's peace. 

Luke's eyebrows rose in surprise. Perhaps Jade should have kept their social positions in mind before opening her mouth but she had never been a wallflower afraid of social ruin.

"Why don't you ask him if you are so bold?" The man said with a hint of a challenge. He folded his arms across his well formed chest.

"If he esclates his attentions I will have no qualms doing so. I do not take it kindly to my friends being preyed upon," Jade unconsciously mimicked the taller man's stance. Her companion could no longer doubt that she meant to follow through with what she said.

"Preyed upon?" The man repeated with short bark of a laugh. His hand went through his dark hair undoing whatever his valet had done to tame it.

"Is that not what rich men do with women of no social standing?" Jade made a distasteful face.

"My brother is many things but victimising women is not his forte. He has never forced his attentions on any woman in his life since they all seem to gravitate towards him anyway," The man answered with a thoughtful look. Jade nodded and held out her hand. 

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