Chapter 38

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Luke raced towards the horseless vehicle with large, leaping steps. Jade's traveling bag was still present in the trunk, undisturbed. The dark mountain soil in the smashed pots was scattered around back wheels of the vehicle. Luke's breath hitched at the thought of Jade being attacked by another viper while he was only yards away.

"Jade!" The man hollered. His greatcoat flew after him as he circled the building. He could find no sign of life. It was as if the girl had disappeared from the face of the earth.

Running with thudding feet Luke decided to increase his search area. He gazed at the boarded up house, fleetingly before he decided it was impossible she had managed to pry open the windows to jump in. She must be out in the lands that belonged to the estate.

With each precious moment clicking in his pocket watch the sun light disappeared. It was getting harder and harder to see for the young Prince. It did not help that a fog began to envelop the mushy grassland.

"Jade!" Luke screamed in frustration. His voice broke in the middle as he watched the mist from his mouth mingle with the fog dancing around him.

Suddenly he spied upon a flicker of a light in the distance. Breathing heavily the Prince jogged to the destination. He skidded to a halt in the wet grass. Jade was standing at the edge of the pond with her face away from him.

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought..." Luke's breathless words trailed off. Something wasn't right. His arm ached at the exertion but he shrugged his pain away.

The first thing he noticed was Jade's attire. Her long coat and her warm hat had all vanished. She was standing with her back towards him in less protective indoor clothes. The lantern he had gifted her was sitting at the feet illuminating the water and staff that lay near it. One of Jade's hands was tightly curled into a fist. She was holding something but he could not discern what.

"I was waiting," Jade turned around with her skirt flying with the movement. Her hair was opened from its former pinned up hairstyle and it hung loose around her narrow face. Her lips were curved but the expression was only a parody of Jade's easy smile.

"I was looking all over for you," Luke exclaimed. He watched with trepidation as Jade's left hand grappled with the knot around her neck until it fell open. The man swallowed at the sight of the curves of her bare flesh cutting into her undergarments.

Warmth coiled in his belly as he was hit with a wave of desire. Try as he must he couldn't take his eyes off her naked skin. The man could feel his heartbeat race as if he were still running. He knew it was wrong but at that moment he could not say why.

"My handsome Prince. I'm so glad you found me," Jade tilted her head, allowing her brown hair to gather around her exposed collarbones. She started to walk towards the man and Luke belatedly realised her feet were bare.

Jade used one hand to pull the upper woollen garment from her body. The shirt landed on the wet grass in disarray as Luke watched helplessly.

One of Jade's long fingers reached out to touch Luke's cheek. He felt inflamed by the proximity and the scent of her skin. The girl leaned in so close their breaths mingled with each other. Jade's supple lips touched Luke's and he could not help but allow her to devour him into a biting kiss.

Luke's strong hands, that were uselessly at his sides, reached up to touch Jade's back. His calloused fingers danced over her warm skin and rested over the hooks that bound Jade's corset. One little movement and he could free her from all the impediments that kept him from worshiping her body.

The man shivered, uncertain whether it was the cold or the firm press of Jade's body. His other hand slid down to her right hand which was clenched firmly when all of a sudden all the fuzziness in his mind disappeared.

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