Chapter 40

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Jade fumbled with her dress as she attempted to look nonchalant. Despite her instinct to snatch her fingers away she allowed Luke to hold her as one would let an attendant leading one to their dinner seat.

The King and Queen did not remain stationary for long and vacated the corridor. Jade breathed out aloud as the scrutiny upon them disappeared temporarily.

"Hang on," Luke murmured impatiently. His grasp on Jade's arm slowed down her long legs to a halt.

"What? Your parents are waiting," Jade hissed, unable to see any reason for delay.

"I don't care. They've already taken up too much of my time this month when I could have spent it with you," Luke grumbled and Jade just rolled her brown eyes.

"Oh, really," Jade retorted, "I was beginning to feel convinced you were avoiding me. You're lucky I'm not engaged to another by now."

"Engaged to another!" The Prince's voice boomed despite the shushing sound made by dinner companion.

"I was very popular with the courtiers if you must know. I had to leave the palace to avoid the circus," The girl explained with a lofty tone of voice. She was walking towards the end of the corridor at the slowest pace possible.

"And here I thought you were too scared to meet my mother," Luke smirked, souring Jade's triumphant look.

"Why would that thought even cross your head," The tall girl attempted to compose herself. She patted her mother's necklace upon her slender neck in an effort to look presentable," They must think me a shameless hoyden canoodling with you right in front of them."

"Perhaps," Luke said, mysteriously.

"You seem to have run out of words of comfort," Jade grumbled,"I would not be in this situation if it were not for you."

"You'd still be making that bread on a desolate hilltop if it weren't for me," Luke said, with teasing smirk.

The elegant doors were opened for the waiting pair and the herald announced their arrival despite the fact that no one else was expected. Jade stifled a smile on her face that escaped for no reason.

The Queen's blue eyes remained impassive while the King looked amused as the pair walked in and bowed gracefully once again. The one thing Jade did not miss from her time at the palace was all the Royal posturing. At least in an effort to keep things discreet even the usual noble attendants were not invited to their private dinner.

"I suppose we do not need any further introductions as it is not the first time we have met," The Queen's voice was sharp.

"Mother, I thought we did not wish to speak of that incident," Luke pressed the issue as he helped Jade stuff her red gown in her chair. His father was watching a servant swirl his wine glass for him.

"You did not wish to speak of it. I did not say a word in agreement," The Queen was obstinate and looked at Jade with an indescribable expression, "I suppose you took your time at the palace to understand my son's likes and dislikes."

"Yes, I am very familiar with his dealings. I would not have been a good secretary if I had not, your highness," Jade replied, ignoring the hostility completely.

"Of course," The Queen said with a pinched look, "You must have been startled to find yourself on a quest in desolate lands instead of dealing with the palace politics. It must have been unpleasant."

"Sir Elliot is a wise man. I hope he had chosen me with suitable qualities in his mind regarding the quest," The taller girl replied. She attempted to place her hands in her lap when her left hand was encircled by warm fingers. Jade gave the Prince a startled glance but the man remained placid, revealing nothing of his mischief on his face.

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