Chapter 16

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"I believe we've made a mistake," Dimitri patted Jade's newly cut hair. He watched her expression from behind her with concern. He stood while she sat in Jade's dressing room which was strewn with the strands of newly sheared brown hair.

"Why?" Jade blinked at her friend's reflection, "I think I look perfectly presentable."

"The aim was to make you more masculine, not more fetching. You look even prettier than before!" Dimitri exclaimed and placed the ivory handled scissors on the dressing table.

"Eh? I don't think so. I look as gibfaced as I've always been," The girl scrunched her face, trying to find the signs of any beauty in the mirror. The loss of her hair had thankfully not rendered her into a sobbing mess. Whatever feelings of despair she felt had been trod on and firmly kicked into a corner.

"Whatever you say. Just don't be surprised if you're propositioned by some of the elite ladies," The stocky man gave short bark of a laugh at the thought.

"Propositioned? I'm hardly on their social level to even be noticed," Jade exclaimed with an arch of a brow. She had taken off the patches on her brows ages ago since her natural brows had lost any man made changes done to them.

"You're perfectly placed to act like a side piece for a bit of fun. Not as important but not as inferior either to be beyond their society. My only advice is to flatter the women instead of repulsing them immediately as I know you would do. You need to be well thought of even if you don't take up their offers," The man suggested with small smile. He was certain his words would go in one ear and go out the other unnoticed.

"My, my, you've learnt your ways of the court," The female secretary tittered. She gave him a jovial clap on the shoulder as they made way to Jade's main room. She intended to discard the fallen hair later at night when there would be fewer eyes to spot her.

"You do not need any more enemies. I want you to take care of yourself," Dimitri proclaimed solemnly as he sat on an armchair. Jade offered him some fresh sandwiches procured from the kitchen. The head cook had taken a special liking to the new secretary who was as pleasant as Sir Elliot had been dour.

The bodyguard's attention was diverted towards the rearranged furniture he had missed when he had entered the room earlier. The desk had been moved from its former position and was now awkwardly placed next to the fireplace.

"What's all this? Redecorating already?" The man gestured and found himself facing his much amused friend.

"I've found a secret tunnel that connects to my room. That blasted Prince was always sneaking into my room and invading my privacy. I've bested him for now," The girl boasted. Her entire day had been spent on finding the secret entrance in her room. She had been certain that was how the Prince entered the room without her permission and her hypothesis was proven correct. Manipulating a brick in the fireplace had opened an entry way beside it and ended her quest. The desk, the largest piece of furniture in the room, now blocked the secret door completely with its looming back.

"Of course it does. This country was not always peaceful. The palace has many secrets," Dimitri replied, with an indulgent drawl.

"Well, your precious Prince is running off into the night using these secrets without your knowledge," Jade replied, tartly.

"Not quite," The man answers decisively with a small smile, "I know of his every move just like I know he met you last night. Very close call, miss. You should be glad no one is on the brink of figuring out your identity."

"I was indeed quite close to being ensnared," The girl admitted as she took large bite out of her sandwich, "I've been rendered stunned by your skills. You really are doing your job well."

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