Chapter 4: The underneath

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Later that day, Mike returns to the Park with his son, brother-in law, nephew, Emmit, Kai's friends, Sora and his friends, and another man. His name is Gator Harris, Mike's coworker. Mike opens the back of a back door to a truck. Gator hops in. 

Emmit: This is such a bad idea, Mike. This isn't O.E.M. This is DWP crap. 

Mike: I want to know what's in that hole. 

Emmit: Yeah, well, let public works send their crew in there like they said they would. 

Mike: I don't feel like waiting three days for a report. (To Gator) Do you, Gator? 

Gator: Heck, no. 

Kenny: Neither do I. 

Mike: Ok, let's go. Kai, you were down there. You show us the way, but stay close to me. Don't want you getting hurt again. You may not get lucky next time. 

Kai nods, and they put on equipment and oxygen masks and tanks. Sora, Riku, and Donald decides to go down to help out. Momo also goes down with Kai. Josh stays up in the truck with Emmit and the others. The group climbs down the ladder into the sewer line. In the truck, Emmit and Josh turn on the mic radio for them to contact the others down below. The group makes it down below. 

Emmit on radio: This is Emmit Reese and Josh Roark. Emmit Reese and Josh Roark to ground control. Los Angeles, do we have a problem? Do you copy? 

Mike: Yeah, we copy. Hot as heck down here. 

Sora: Whew. Yeah, it feels like an overheated oven down here. 

Kai: Alright, follow me. This way to the storm drain. 

They follow Kai down the sewer. Mike looks at Gator. 

Mike: You all right?

Gator: Great. Is it too late to switch jobs with Emmit?

Mike: He doesn't want your job. He wants mine, Gator.

Emmit on radio: Yes. And a company car, Mike. Please don't forget that. 

Josh on radio: (Scoffs) In your dreams, dude. 

Mike looks ahead, and sees the hatch door that leads to the storm drain. Everyone shines their flashlights around. 

Mike: Ok, we're coming up on--Whoa!

Everyone looks down, and sees rats running past them.

Mike: Eww. Rats. 

Momo: Oh, gosh. This is nasty! 

Riku: They're running in the same direction, this way. 

Donald: Yeah, almost like they're running away. 

Momo: From what? Us?

Kenny: No, I think they're scared...of something else. 

Mike: Ok, we're coming up on the storm drain now.

They approach the hatch door. Mike looks down on the floor, and sees marks by the hatch. Everyone looks down on the marks too.

Mike: This is where those guys died. Seven guys, right here. 

Gator: Must have died in a hurry. 

Kai: Yeah. Like I said, I was way over there, almost to the ladder with the other guy. We hear them screaming, and we saw them coming out of the hatch. And...well, you get the idea. 

Sora: Yeah. 

Mike: (To Gator) Let's have a look. Go on. 

Gator looks at him, and walks into the storm drain. Everyone follows him, and they're inside the storm drain. Everyone looks around as they shine their lights around. The entire storm drain is completely dry, with dead roots all around the place.

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