Chapter 18: Down the drain, and the rain came

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After a moment of loud crashing, it's all quiet. Through the dust and rubble, the destroyed tower has been turned into a dam. The lava couldn't get through the dam, so it moves the other way, and goes into the trench. The geyser slowly dies off as the lava is going into the trench. The helicopter see this. 

Newsman: Jim, as far as we can tell through the clouds of dust and rubble, this audacious plan seems to be working. 

Newswoman: Relieved city officials are breathing their first sigh of relief in many hours as this desperate strategy looks like it's paying off...

Newsman: And in the triage area, there is rejoicing as the lava...

The heroes land in the ruins. They call their monsters back in their cards. They all look around for Mike, Kenny, and the kids. In the triage area, the patients, doctors, and nurses are cheering and clapping. Amy and Jennifer walking past them to get to the ruins. 

Newsman 2: As you can see through the dust and the smoke there is an atmosphere of celebration here. The people are laughing and smiling, feeling a sense of more than just relief, and about 200 feet away, there is 22-story apartment building lying on its side, a temporary dam against...

In the ruins, police officers are looking for Mike and his family. Sora and his friends are looking for them too.

Cop: Roark! Roark, can you hear me?! Roark! Roark, can you hear me?!

Kai: Uncle Mike! Uncle Kenny! 

Sora: (Looks at Donald) Donald, how about you take Summoned Skull, and fly over the city, see if the lava makes it to the ocean. 

Donald nods. He summons Summoned Skull again, and they both fly in the air. They both see the lava moving into the trench, and it is now in the Holly Hills Trench. People are around the edges, taking pictures and watching it. 

Newsman: The improvised rerouting through the storm drains and trenches seems to be holding. 

The lava is flowing fast. It is now underneath the 10 freeway. Donald and Summoned Skull continue following it. It is now in Ballona Creek. The lava flows past a neighborhood.  

Newsman: And away down below us, we can see that fiery flow moving along the creek. The concrete walls seem to be holding up against the weight of the lava as it steams toward the pacific. 

Back in the ruins, everyone continues looking. Amy and Jennifer are also looking too. Everyone is all covered in dust. 

Sora: Roark! Roark! Kenny!

Riku: Guys, where are you?!

Cop: Roark! 


They all walk past the covered garage entrance to the mall. Just then, someone inside rocks out of the way. 

Mike: Hey! Over here!

Everyone looks, and sees Mike and Kenny pushing the rocks out of the way. They both climb out, with Tommy in Mike's arm. Kelly and Josh follow after them. Everyone is smiling. Kai runs over to them, and hugs them. They hug him back. They are alive. Back with Donald, he and Summoned Skull watch in joy as the lava reaches the ocean, and it hits it. It goes directly into the ocean, and the water steams up. The helicopters are watching the whole thing. Donald flies back to LA Cienega to tell the news. He makes it back just time. 

Donald: Guys, we did it! The plan worked! The city's saved!

The heroes celebrate. Momo hugs Kai tight. The heroes hug each other, laughing and smiling. People are everywhere in the ruins. Donald turns on the radio to listen to the news. 

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