Chapter 13: Blockade

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In Wilshire, Mike, and the heroes are looking at the lava from behind the wall. Firemen are still on the street, uses hoses on the lava. The lava continues rolling towards them. They all back away from it. Donald is also using his ice magic to help out the firemen. The lava has reached the May Company building and the Petersen Automotive museum. The windows on the museum shatter from the lava as it rolls in front of the museum. Donald backs away further as the lava also reaches a couple of benches, and set them on fire. 

Goofy: Donald, come on! It's coming!

Donald: I know!

The fire trucks honk their horns as they drive behind the k-rails. A fireman trips, and falls on his back. The lava reaches the museum sign from behind. Celtic Guardian helps up the fireman, and they all run to the wall. They climb over it to get to safely. The trucks park in front of the k-rails to hold them in from the weight of the lava. 

Kai: Now what, Uncle Mike?

Mike: (To fire chief) Save your hoses, chief. I want to let it pool up all the way to the top.

Fire chief: (To firemen) Save your hoses!

The firemen close up the hoses to save the water in them. 

Fire chief: Not a drop till I give the word. 

Everyone watches as the lava pools up towards the wall. 

Sora: Now what?

Kenny: Yeah, Mike.

Mike: We just have to wait it out now. 

The lieutenant and Kenny nod at him. The lava continues rolling towards the top of the wall. Everyone continues watching it coming. The firemen stand ready to use their hoses and waiting for the chief to give the word. Sora and Kairi look down at the lava, and watches as it finally reaches the top, and the k-rails holds it back. The weight and strength of the lava tries to push them back, but the trucks are holding them. Everyone is a little nervous as they feel the lava trying to push the rails back. Every building on Wilshire is still on fire, palm trees are still burning too, and the entire street on Wilshire is completely covered in lava. The heroes' monsters watch the lava. Mike and Kenny look up in the air, but they don't see the helicopters yet. 

Kenny: Man. Where are they?

Momo: They need to hurry. I don't know how long we have before the lava finally pushes the rails back. 

Newsman: This is the moment of truth. 

Newswoman: As you can see, the entire street is now completely engulfed in flames.

Newsman: The weight of this lava has got to be absolutely intense. 

Another newsman speaks for the camera, but he's speaking in German. 

Newswoman: And that is, will this plan work?

Just then, everyone hears something in the air. They all look, and to their relief, the helicopters are here. And they have water tanks underneath them. The helicopters fly towards the scene. The German newsman speaks as he points at them. 

Kenny: Let's go for it, Mike!

Mike: Alright, that's it, chief. Open 'em up! 

Fire chief: Open hoses!

The firemen open up their hoses, and spray water on the lava. Everyone watches as the helicopters dump water on the lava too. The helicopters continue dumping water everywhere in Wilshire as they fly over the lava, and towards the volcano. The lava begins to steam up from the water. The volcano also steams up from the water. Sora and his friends begin to smile at they see that the plan is working. The lava is starting to dam itself from the water. Donald uses his ice magic to help out. The ice touches the lava, and the lava is cooling down to rock. Everyone starts cheering. 

Newsman: There must be thousands of gallons of water being dropped over this entire area. The entire area is absolutely drenched, and the steam that is coming off of this thing is unbelievable. 

Mike, Kenny, and Kai smile at this. They see that the plan is working. At Maleficent's castle, she and her minions are watching this. Maleficent smirks at this. 

Maleficent: My volcano is not done fighting yet, heroes. Invader, where's Mr. Volcano now?

Invader: I believe he's hiding somewhere with the lava, waiting for the right moment to attack.

Maleficent: Good. 

In another subway tunnel, Amy and Jennifer are walking on the track with flashlights. As they walk, they come to a huge cave in with dirt, and rocks. 

Amy: Oh, shoot. 

Jennifer: Jeez.

They see steam coming out of the rubble and dirt. They walk in further to get a better look. They shine their lights around the cave-in. 

Jennifer: Amy, you'd better get a temperature reading. 

Amy nods, and takes a temperature reader. She sticks a needle in the dirt, and turns on the reader. Jennifer looks at the steam, and feels a lot of heat coming from it. She looks at the reader with Amy as she pushes some buttons on it. Amy shines her light on the reader to look at the number. The alarm on the reader goes off as it detects a heat in the rubble. It's at 5,296 degrees, and climbing. They're both shocked to see this, and it keeps gaining more readings of the heat. It's now at 6,442 degrees. 

Amy: Oh, gosh.

Jennifer: Oh, no...

They both look at the rubble, and see the steam is getting hotter, meaning that there's lava behind the rubble. They both turn, and run down the tracks to get out of the tunnel, so they can tell Mike what they've just found. 

Here's the 13th chapter of Kingdom Hearts: Volcano. Looks like they managed to stop the lava in Wilshire, by pouring thousands of gallons of water on it, making it dam itself. But it also looks like Amy and Jennifer found more lava in the Red Line. Can the heroes stop the lava from under the subway? Find out next. Let me know what you all think of this chapter. Sorry if it was short. Vote, review, and comment for me. Thank you.   

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