Back in Wilshire, the volcano has gotten huge, like over 100 foot high. Lava continues coming out of it. On the streets, the lava continues rolling down. More burning palm trees come down. The old Hollywood car is still floating around in the lava along with another car, only half sunk. The buildings in front of the lava continue burning from it. The firemen, police officers, and city workers continue digging up the street and sidewalk, and they're using abandoned cars as walls to block it. They even use them to block the sideroads to keep it on Wilshire.
Newswoman: Ok, ok, now you can see it coming right at us. Just a relentless tide of lava melting the street itself. It simply incinerates everything it touches.
Newsman: They're using concrete. They're using cars. They're doing everything.
Roger Lapher is talking to the fire chief as Mike and the police lieutenant walks to the scene as some firemen are using hoses to put out the lava.
Fire chief: You got to give me some water pressure.
Lapher: I'd love to, but the whole city's out.
Fire chief: The hydrants are going dry.
Lieutenant: (Points at the firemen, police officers, and city workers) We got to get these guys some help. They're getting their butts kicked.
Mike: Yeah, I can see that.
Just then, more police cars arrive at the scene with their sirens on. Mike and the lieutenant turn around and see them coming in fast, meaning that the k-rails are here. They run to the cars as Lapher and the fire chief are arguing.
Lapher: Don't you hear me? I said the lights are out in San Francisco.
Fire chief: Everything on this street is on fire. Nobody gives a crap about San Francisco.
The police cars all come in, with K-rails trucks behind them. And coming behind the trucks are champion crane trucks. Just then, Sora and his friends arrive at the scenes with their monsters. They all land on the ground, and hop off their monsters. Mike runs up to the k-rail leader as the lieutenant counts the k-rails they've brought.
Mike: Alright, good to see you. What we want to do is build a corridor out of these k-rails. Keep everything flowing down Wilshire and headed west, alright? Where are the rest of them?
Leader: What rest of them? This is it.
Lieutenant: Hey, there's only about 80 here.
Leader: 82. Everything else is struck on the 5 or the 10.
Lieutenant: We're trying to keep the city in one piece, pinhead. 80 rails aren't gonna do it.
Leader: So what are you blaming me for?
Lieutenant: Convenience, ok? (Looks at Mike) Look, maybe we can chop up more rails.
Mike: One at a time? Forget about it.
Lieutenant: Why don't we knock down a couple buildings and block this son of a gun?
Mike thinks for a second, and looks at everyone. He sees Kai, along with his friends.
Mike: Alright, come with me. You guys, come with me. Kai, come with me! You guys too.
They all follow Mike to a truck, to where Lapher and the fire chief are still fighting as they look at a map. Everyone gathers around.
Lapher: Regardless of who gives a crap, ok--
Fire chief: You got to open up a reservoir!
Lapher: Inner city drinks what?

Kingdom Hearts: Volcano
Mystery / ThrillerHere is the fourth adventure for Sora and his friends. They're back in Los Angeles again, and this time, they need to save it. As they arrive in the city, they notice some unusual activities in L.A. They meet a man name Mike Roark, and they help him...