Chapter 8: The coast is toast

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Back in Wilshire, the geysers of steam continues shooting through the manholes. The fire truck that wasn't hit is by the burning store, and firemen are trying to put it out. As they do, more meteors are coming down. One lands and explosions on a road. Mike is driving back. Kelly gasps as she sees the explosion. Mike turns to the left and drives by the Tar Pits. He hits the burning pole, making it fall down on the road. He looks ahead, and sees a woman tending to one of the injured firemen with Namine and Roxas. Donald and Goofy are checking on the other one. He stops and parks by the Tar Pits. Kai stops and parks on the sidewalk by the pits. 

Namine: (To injured fireman) Hang on. You're gonna be okay. Stay with us. 

Woman: You still with us? We've got help on the way. 

Mike: (To Kelly) Don't move, sweetheart. You'll be safe here. Josh, stay with your sister. Sora, Riku, you're with me. 

They all get out. The kids watch them get out. 

Kelly: You're leaving us here?

Mike: No. We're just going over there. I'll be right back. (Takes out his O.E.M. jacket from the back) You'll be able to see me the whole time. If you get scared...(Honks the horn) honk that horn, okay?

She nods, and Josh nods too. Sora, and Riku follow him. Kai, Toji, and Sae follow after them as Kairi and Momo stay in their car. A man on motorcycle rides by as they run to Namine and the woman. A man in a car drives through the trouble while talking on the phone. It's Bob Davis, and he continues talking on the air. 

Davis: (Talking on phone) Mitch, I've arrived at the Tar Pits. I'm there now! 

Mike: (To Davis) Get outta here! (To woman, Roxas and Namine) Don't touch that man!

Davis: (Sees a meteor coming down) Watch out! 

Everyone ducks down as it lands and explodes next to the County Art Museum. Everyone gets back up, and continues to try to help out.

Mike: Roxas, Namine, don't touch that man. The ambulances are on the way. 

Woman: I'm a doctor. This man has a skull fracture. (Points at the other fireman) This other man has a compound fracture, left leg. Can you get him off the street and keep him warm? And find out if there's anything in that fire truck we can use as a splint! 

The fire Chief arrives too as Mike and the others run over to help the other injured. The fire chief looks at the injured fireman as Davis continues talking on the phone.

Davis: There are firefighters out in the street!

Fire chief: (Points at the fire truck) There's a man inside the truck!

Mike, Sora, and Kai run over to the truck, and they see the driver stuck on the driver seat. Blood is on the windshield window. He's shaking, but can't move.

Fireman: Help! Help! Get me outta here! Help! Help!

Sora: Hold on! We'll get you out of there! 

They climb up the fire truck to get the passenger door. Mike opens the passenger door, so they can climb in. Kai stays down to try to keep the fireman calm. The roaring from the geysers continue on.

Davis: It's getting harder and harder to hear anything right now. The roar is constant. It's very loud here. I can barely hear myself think. There are geysers of steam going up right out of the manholes. All I can hear right now is this roaring sound! This roaring--

Just then, the roaring stops, and it's all silence. Everyone looks around as they don't hear the roaring sound anymore. The firemen continue trying to put out the fire as the geysers of steam stop too. Mike, Sora, and Kai look around too. 

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