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       You were back in school, it was the same as always... Very boring. Though you enjoyed the fact that you were back you hated that you were back. you watched the match between shiritorizawa and Karasuno it was amazing. they had made it to nationals! you were ecstatic about it. though you were worried about what this meant for you and tanakas relationship because he would always be busy with volleyball to prepare for nationals. you had no real problem with it though or so you had thought. Ryu had left a note in your shoe locker after school, it had told you to meet hit near the track field. you felt your heart drop in an instant, you no longer wanted to be at school.

Tanaka POV

"ARE YOU STUPID RYU!" Noya yelled at me in front of Everyone

"Noya shhh!" I told him

Noya grabbed my arm and dragged me to the gym where everyone else was. I knew what he was going to do and I knew I wouldn't be able to stop him. I know Y/n is probably already waiting near the track field.

"EVERYONE TALK SOME SENSE INTO TANAKA FOR ME!!" Noya yelled as loud as possible

"what do you mean?" everyone said

"TANAKA PLANS ON BREAKING UP WITH Y/N" Noya then again yelled at them, I only looked down in shame as I already knew the expressions on their faces. Daichi began to walk over to me.

"Why do you want to break up with her," he asked

"I don't- I can't hurt her, I-I don't deserve her..." Water welled in my eyes      "I can't hurt her, not as much as I kn-ow I'm going to!" I shouted while water was pouring down my face.

Right then Asahi walked in he looked angry almost like he was going to kill someone. I already knew it was probably about me.

"Why Did I just see Y/n walking away from the track field balling her eyes out," Asahi asked

Everyone looked down or away from him with guilty or saddened faces. Daichi finally piped up while I was still crying

"Tanaka thinks he doesn't deserve Her, and that he's going to end up hurting her," He said


you walked home only knowing what he had just done, you wiped your tears before going inside only to see a slimy rooster headed bitch. he was smiling and talking with your parents like it was a normal thing, you hated it... you wanted him gone but there was no one to help you. He finally looked over your way.

"Y/n you look absolutely stunning per usual," he said fox-like

"Fuck Off slimy headed bitch" you said bluntly

"Y/N L/N, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" your mother shouted

"Is that any way to address someone who has just complimented you?" your father said in a stern voice, it was obvious they had forgotten what he did to you.

"Y/n Apologize to Tetsuro Right now!" your mother said 

"I'm not sorry for calling you a Slimy headed Bitch" you responded, you were hoping to spring a reaction from Kuroo. after saying that you walked up the stairs in a calm manner.

  Once you arrived in your room and shut the door you began quietly sobbing to yourself today was just the worst, First, your boyfriend practically broke up with you, and now your abusive ex is in your home. you decided to go to the local library to clear your mind in hopes to get at least some of your work done. you began dressing warmly as you were going to walk there. once finished you grabbed your bag and went downstairs.

"Where do you think your going young lady!" your father bellowed

"Library," you said while walking out the door.

      You began to walk towards the library when you checked your phone for the first time since leaving school. you had at least 40 missed collective calls from the entire volleyball club, you took a look at them and then debated whether to call back or not, but you didn't because school became your new top priority. you had finally arrived at the library so once you were seated you began working on missing work and just studying in general. you were so sucked in by your work you hadn't realized the time, it was almost 9 so you packed up and left the library of course not without a few books.

   You were about a block away from your house now and that's when you saw him, your new ex in a sense, before he could even look at you, you jumped into a bush hoping not to be caught by him even though you guys were practically neighbors. the one detail you forgot was that he was with Nishinoya and Nishinoiya likes to walk backward's just your luck. you had only hoped that he didn't see you and he was preoccupied...

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now