Fifteen. A graceful end

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     After a couple of minutes, you got out of the bush and brushed yourself off. Thankful you weren't spotted you finished your walk home, you walked into your home and saw that Kenji was about to burst into flames. It was surprising he was still at the door until you saw that Kuroo was still there. you grabbed Kenji's shoulder and whispered "get him out.Please."

    Kenji Nodded and began yelling at kuroo in a violent matter which drew the attention of your parents and a specific pair of dumbasses. Your parents trying to figure out why Kenji was yelling so loudly they got him to be quiet and then looked at you, as you were usually the one to stop his yelling fits.

"Why didn't you stop him?" your mother asked curiously

"Because I wanted him to yell for once, and in all honestly I want to do exactly that as well," you said in a scarily calm voice, it shook the room even though it was still so silent, Kenji was shocked at your new-found rebellion.

"What do you mean.. you want to yell," your father asked

"It seems you have FORGOTTEN WHAT THAT SLIMY BITCH DID TO ME" you screamed in an explosion of emotions

"I MEAN ARE YOU SERIOUS DO YOU NOT REMEMBER WHAT HE DID TO ME WHEN WE DATED! HE ABUSED ME AND MENTALLY TORTURED ME TO A POINT I SHOULDN'T OF REACHED!!" you bellowed in the process of sobbing your eyes out, your throat now parched because of screaming so much.

Not wanting to be home anymore you left and went to the one place you found comfort in, without realizing it you had walked right to Ryu's house. you were already there with red puffy teary eyes you knocked on the door. before you knew it Saeko had answered the door, she called Tanaka down, and as soon as he saw your face he grabbed your wrist and dragged you up to his room.

"Who did it," he asked

"..." you stayed silent and Tanaka knew why

"I-I saw you jump into the bushes earlier and I just want to say sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you which is exactly what I was afraid of... I don't deser-" he was cut off, you cupped his face and on your tippy-toes, you kissed him without hesitation. noya who was shooed out of the room when Saeko called for tanka walked in to see that you and Tanaka had made up. Noya took a picture and sent it to the brand new group chat which was called 'operation get Ryu and y/n together again.

Group chat


Ace: Good job noya!

Setter#2: why are they kissing

Libero: I didn't do anything! I walked in and they were kissing!!

Mom: XD good god

Goddess: ooo

Cutie Yachi: Aww they're adorable!!❤


You and Tanaka's kiss ended with Ryu hugging you tightly while crying a little. You began to dig your head into Tanakas chest.

"kuroo.... he came to my house.." you whisper with a shaky voice

Tanaka immediately tells noya He'll be back and to comfort you or something. Though that was tanakas request you still followed after Ryu.

You followed Ryu to your home he began banging on your door when Kenji opened it he was surprised to see Tanaka.

"where is he.." Ryu asked

Kenji pointed towards kuroo who was telling your parents it was okay and to stop apologizing.


"You damned bastard! How Can You just show up in y/n's life again after assaulting her, mentally abusing her, And so much more!! HOW THE FUCK CAN YOU DO THAT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE" Tanaka yelled at kuroo 

"She never Lov-" Kuroo was cut off in an instant everyone looked at you in shock... you had just punched Kuroo in the jaw and now he sits on the floor astonished like everyone else in the room.

"If you EVER try and say that again I won't hesitate to end your career!" you exclaimed

Tears began reforming and you began to sob like a baby, Tanaka grabbed you and hugged you tightly so you could let it all out without being embarrassed. your parents realized their mistake, they should've never let kuroo in the house. they told kuroo it was time for him to go home and escorted him out of the house.

Your parents apologized to you profusely for their wrongs. you ended up staying with Ryu for the rest of the night.

Time Skip

      It was the end of your time at karasuno, you were going to miss this shabby old highschool. It was like leaving the only home you ever knew. but soon enough that little piece of home would always be with you through thick and thin, through sickness and through health you both would always be with each other for the rest of your days.


THANK YOU!! Thank you to all the people that read this book! I really enjoyed writing it but it has to come to an end sadly. Thank you to those who have supported it the entire way!

                                                                                                                                                                           ~Author Guy

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