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  Once His member was all the way in he came in your mouth. Once he let go of the back of your head you immediately started coughing once His member was no longer in you mouth.

"Crapp... I-I'm sorry Y/n! I-I don't know what happened!" Tanaka said panicking genuinely sorry,

You gave him a thumbs up showing that it was all right while you were choking on air. Once you both had left the closet you went back upstairs to wash up after the lust filled session thing you had with Ryu. While in the bathroom washing out your mouth you looked in the mirror and smiled knowing that you were happy that he apologized because your throat definitely didn't like that. 

      You began to clean up in the bathroom when you received a text from Tanaka. It was that he had to go or Daichi would Kill him. You smiled and laughed a bit, you liked how he did his best to make time for both of the things he liked. Once you were done you started to clean up the house to leave No trace of what had happened in the closet.  

      you heard the front door open so you went to see who it was, It was none other than Kenji he was sweating bullets.

"Kenji Are you alright??" you asked

"Huh?? Yeah I'm Fine i just wanted to hurry home Cause I saw Tanaka In the gym" Kenji said panting

"Oh okay well there's left over curry I think" you said trying to help

Kenji Sniffed the air.. silence.. "Why does it smell like cleaning utensils" he asked you

"I thought I would clean up when Tanaka left" you said trying to act innocent

"Ahh that makes sense anyways go get some rest I don't want you dyeing again" Kenji said with joy

 you were happy that he didn't have a clue about what happened. After talking with your brother for a bit you told him about who you ran into at the training camp. You could've sworn that he was about to go rage mode or something but he never did. you knew that you were going to have a lot of homework when you  went to school the next day.

I'm sorry for the very short Chapter i couldn't think of anything :(    ~ Author Guy 

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now