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  You and Tanaka quickly pull away before your parents can see anything, They open the curtain and say  "Oh whos this Y/n?",  "ah m-mom d-dad this is Tanaka Ryunosuke, hes in the volleyball club" you say with some slight blush, "Ah this must be the kid Kenji was talking about!" Your dad says completely unaware he probably wasn't supposed to say that.

Your mom and dad question Ryu on his motives with you. You grow impatient with their little game, "Mom Dad please leave him alone" you laugh a bit cause they started to tell stories they shouldn't be. They laugh and say they'll be there for the surgery, Once the door was closed Tanaka cupped your cheek and kissed you lightly leaving you in shock when he closed the door to go home.

 You woke up around 11 AM for surgery since it was scheduled for 1 in the afternoon. When you finally decided to actually open your eyes you were surprised with a tv with the broadcasting of the Prelims. You watched the entire match between Karasuno and Aoba johsai, It was a roller coaster each you didn't know who was gonna win but deep down you knew Karasuno wouldn't win.

You watched Karasuno lose, But you knew this would be a wake up call for them and they would beat them next time.

 Once the time had come for surgery you shut off the tv, and got ready for prep.


Hours had gone by, There were no complications during surgery so it was counted as successful. Everyone knew you weren't gonna wake up right away but you know they wanted to see if you were okay.

You opened your eyes to the same bland white ceiling as before, you had kinda hoped it would have changed during surgery. You heard talking outside your door. Once it had gone quiet the door opened to reveal a bunch of teenagers with worried looks on their face. Though none of them had realized you were up yet, they still waited kind of close to the bed.

It was silent with only whispers filling the room, until someone finally noticed you were awake. "Ah Y/Ns Awake!" yelled the short red head, They all looked towards your smiling face, They all started to have a wave of relief come over their hearts, though you couldn't physically see it you could all feel it.

The Delinquent boy went over to you, cupped your face and kissed you. It lasted a couple seconds but when it was over you noticed the faces of the others in the room, Everyone's jaw was dropped. 

"U-uhm R-Tanaka T-turn a-a-around" you said with some laughter, "OH COME ON!!, Its not like you haven't seen us Kiss!!" He said with a joking tone. Everyone laughed a little at the statement.


You had recovered enough to go back to school but you were worried of what people would say since you are missing a chunk or two of your chest. You walked out of your house to see a very happy Ryunosuke.

"Glad your back Bunny!" he says really cheerfully,  "Bunny? really" you said questioning where he heard that, "Oh I say Bunny cause your really Flexible" Tanaka said with a devious grin. Your face went flush red after he said that.

Once you both got to school you split ways for a bit before making seeing each other in class. The teacher was going over new material so you were taking notes so you could catch up to everyone in class. you looked over to see a sleeping tanka. Once class was over and lunch had started, you went to the gym to eat your food and watch the boys practice during lunch.

You opened your phone and noticed that break was almost here. You knew that you were gonna go to tokyo to visit family, so staying with Ryunosuke wasn't an option.


 Break was here the last day of school had arrived and you were a little excited as well.

You walked over to Tanaka before they left for The little summer training camp. "Remember to text me Delinquent Child" you said with a small smile, "I will Bunny, stay Flexible" 

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now