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  The team had left to give you and Tanaka Space when Tanaka led you outside to talk with you in private. He began to crouch onto the ground and squish his face in what seemed to be anger.

"why didn't you tell me" Ryu said with obvious worry in tone,   "Im sorry...I should have told you about it" you said still shaken up, Ryu stands up and walks over to you.  He begins to dig his head into the crook on your neck and cry a little,  "I was so scared!" he said.

Warning This p.o.v segment is going to go over what had happened in chapter Nine

Tanaka's Pov

I was just about done eating when Y/n Told me she was gonna head home, almost as soon as she left the cafeteria City Boy Rooster head followed after her. I didn't like the feeling this gave me, It made me feel like she was cheating or something. I shouldn't worry about it she would never do that to me.

No matter how much I tried to push it off The feeling lingered in the pit of my stomach. "I'll be right back" I said with obvious worry, That's when we all heard it... Y/n was yelling or maybe screaming but either way I wasn't having any of it. Once I got to the hallway where Kuroo had her pinned, Daichi and them followed after me but when i got there she was trying to push them off. He raised his hand to hit her, as Soon as his hand was up I ran over there and made sure he didn't hurt her.

"Don't.you.dare.touch.her" I said angrily...

End Pov

"Thank you ryu..." You said still crying, After a little bit you both released from the hug he told you to just call if you needed anything and he was gonna go back inside.


you woke up the next day at a fairly later time than usual, Though you were sluggish you still wanted to say goodbye to tanaka before you went home. 

Once you had arrived you heard all the noises in the gym but when you looked over you noticed that the managers were setting up a bbq for the boys, you asked if you could help and they agreed. You watched as all the boys swarmed the stations of food. 

You walked over to Tanaka with sleepy eyes and gave him a hug from behind. You were glad he was happy, and that's really all that matters to you is that hes safe and happy. and with that thought he shoved a piece of grilled vegetable into your mouth most of who saw it laughed you groaned still being half asleep ate it anyways. Tanaka laughed at you being so sleepy but to the people who saw what had happened last night were glad to see you were okay since as soon as kuroo left Tanaka took you away and they didn't get the chance to see if you were okay.

For the rest of the day you pretty much talked with the managers such as yachi, Kiyoko, yukie and so forth. when the boys finally had their things together and were getting ready to leave, Tanaka saw something.

"Are you still wearing your clothes from yesterday?" he asked with a slight grin on his face,   "Oh ya my family left early and took my bags with" you said quietly,  tanaka frowned at the fact that you were back to being quiet.  He looked at you and then back to his bag, you thought nothing of it until he threw a shirt and a pair of pants at you. 

"Go put those on quick so you don't have to wear the same clothes as yesterday" he said smiling cutely with a hint of a blossom pink on his face.  you left to go to the bathroom and change quickly as you didn't want someone coming in.

Once you were done you walked back outside with your old clothes in hand. Tanaka took them from you and stuffed them into his bag. he led you onto the back of the bus where he usually sits. you started to drift off to sleep causing you to lean onto tanaka, he smiled and began to hold you.

"Hey Tanaka how is she doing?" Asahi asked concerned,   "She's doing okay as far as I can tell" Ryu responds.  The only people that know what happened are the third and second years. 

"The hell are you guys talkin about back there" Coach ukai Says confused,  "Ah uhm Nothing" Tanaka says trying to cover for you,  Ukai gets up from his chair and walks over to tanaka "Boy you better tell me what the hell your talking about, Your lucky im even letting you date my niece" Ukai says threatening,  Asahi pipes up "there was just a little fight the other night between her and someone from Nekoma",   "Wait if your her uncle and kenmas her cousin...does that mean-" hinata was cut off,  "I'm her nonbiological uncle just good friends with her dad" ukai says calmly.

Time passes, your almost back home finally it took long enough. all of the third and second years were the only ones who saw what had happened the first years were oblivious. 

Tanaka was worried about you, he wanted to know what kuroo had done to you in the past...

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