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     You Open your front door to see that you neighbor has already started walking to school and he was just walking by, But to avoid any contact you shut your door and looked at it until you thought it was fit to leave for school. You arrived late for the third time this week and your teacher was not pleased.

"y/n Late again that's another detention" your teacher said disappointedly, Seeing as you were one of his best students.

"Ah sir that's my fault I distracted them and we lost track of time" A tall Delinquent child said 

You looked behind you and it was the guy from earlier, you were confused as to why he covered for you since neither of you had ever talked before. Although you were thankful since it got you out of detention.

The bell rang for lunch later that day so you decided to hurry to gym 2 so you could watch the volleyball team practice per usual, though it didn't seem they have noticed you which was surprising since you've been doing since your first year there.

It felt different though like someone was missing from the practice as you watched from the small cat walk like area on the wall you saw the delinquent child look at you directly in the eyes. You fell back creating a loud thud drawing the attention of every one there.

"uhm Hello? is someone up there" you heard from one of the members, You got down from the cat walk and left the gym with everyone's eyes on you.  

"How long were they up there? tanaka do you know" He said as he look at the delinquent child, "why do you assume I kno- wait Their in my morning classes, I don't know their name though Daichi" Tanaka told.

 You held on to the ledge of the window so you could keep watching the practice, when the bell rang you left as quickly as possible to avoid any confrontations. You made it to your class on time which was surprising to your teacher and your classmates.

As soon as the last class ended you Ran as fast as you could to gym, while making one of the last turns towards the gym you hit someone's back really hard and ended up on the floor.

"Huh? Oh geez you okay, you hit my back pretty hard" The boy chuckled and put out a hand, You looked up to see who it was. You saw that it was the boy who disrupted your lunch, "ah.. uh-mm" you began to lose your words so instinctively you got up and went the opposite way to the gym knowing you'd be watching from the windows today.

"Huh that was the chick from earlier right tanaka?" Daichi said questioningly,  "ya it was... wonder what had her in a twist" Tanaka said with a slight chuckle,  "Probably you tanaka.. I mean you did scare the crap out of her at lunch" Daichi Blamed.

Y/ns Thoughts

Ah fuck why wasn't I looking! If only I had kept my eyes open ughh Now i have to watch from the window again. Man I hope I get there while there still in the club room.   End


 You arrived at the gym just in time some of he boys were about to head out of the club room so you rushed onto the cat walk with your strawberry milk in hand. As  you watched you noticed a couple of mistakes but the captain got on them about that.

Practice had ended and you waited for all of them to walk out so you could sneek out behind them but little did you know that they were waiting for you next to the door. As you took a step out you felt like something was up so as soon as you were fully out you decided to full on sprint away from them.

You had almost made it when to saw you were surrounded by the team even the manager. "So who are you and why do you keep coming to our practices?" The captain said. Though they were intimidating you said nothing, "Come on say something!" Said the little orange boy,  "Uhhm Bye?" you said as you had found an opening and ran.

"did She Just.... Fake us out?" Suki Said with confusion    

"I think she did... I mean good on her on knowing how to get out of these kind of situations but wow" Daichi said with surprise in his voice

"She has A lot of endurance" Tanaka Pointed out

By the time you finally got to your uncles store you were out of breath and the volleyball team was about 2 quarters of the way there. You walked in to avoid being seen by them

"Hey ki- Damn why are you out of breath!?" Your uncle Exclaimed, "T-the V-volleyball team al-m-most G-got me" you muttered loud enough for your uncle to hear. He laughed at you and said to get your apron on and get to work, You glared at him but you did what he said anyways and got to work.

The volleyball team captain walked into the store to get some meat buns, While he was paying your uncle ratted you out to them. "hey if your looking for the chick that watches your practices she's cleaning up in the back of the store" Ukai Said with a cheeky grin on his face, Tanaka Nodded and headed to the back of the store to find you stocking up the freezers and when you got to the top shelf you just put it back on the ground to go get the step ladder. 

But your head bumped into a very smiley tanaka.  "Need help with that?" he said with a chuckle, "Ah....uhm y-ya suure" you said not knowing how the hell he knew you were back there, "you know you don't have to sneak around if you want to watch us practice" he said with some sternness in his voice. You Said you knew and you just didn't like confrontation but surprisingly he understood that. You let your breath out as soon as they left.

You felt your cheeks heat up at how tanaka actually understood what you meant, And you hoped to see him more.

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now