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  You woke up the next morning a lot worse than yesterday Cause your uncle made you work later, But on the plus side he was getting you food so it didn't matter to you. You got ready for school that morning, when you opened your door Tanaka was standing there waiting.

"Hey I never got your name yesterday, I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke and you are?" He asked you name,   "uhm.. I-I'm L/n Y/n" You said meekly almost like you were afraid of him,   "Do you wanna walk to school together?" tanaka Asked with a way to up beat attitude,   " S-sure I guess". 

  As you both walked to school he started talking about Volleyball and why he loves it so much but you caught him stare at you a few times and when you made eye contact he would turn his head the other way.

 When you both got to the school you guys walked into your first class on time and Everyone was shocked at the sight of seeing you two talk. You noticed everyone's eyes before he did so you shut up faster. You sat down in your seat and started to doodle since your class was just reviewing for Finals which was next month.

 After your last class you started to dart through the halls in order to get the the gym fast enough. Just as you were about to turn the corner you stopped dead in your tracks cause you saw some of the third and second years on the volleyball team were waiting for you at the door. You stared at them with wide eyes.

Some of them had shivers down their spine because your eyes looked almost like a cats and it scared them a little.

"So are gonna come closer or what" Yelled a small spikey haired boy,  You started to overthink the situation so you decided to run full speed in their direction so you could get a good wall jump to get on the little outdoor hallway roof. They moved out of the way wide eye at you, As you ran up the wall you almost lost your footing and fell.

As you hung onto the roof ledge you tried your best to pull yourself up onto the roof and after a couple small tries you made it up. You opened a window and climbed into the gym and onto the cat walk.

"Now that's Impressive" Daichi said still wide eyed at the window,  "I mean it makes sense, as she is the former ace of the gymnastics club" Their raven haired manager said,   "Wait kiyoko did you say Former Ace" Daichi Asked,  "Ya Former, She had a bad accident during the summer which prevents her from  joining back" Kiyoko responded.


 After practice you stayed on the catwalk until they left cause now you had a new way in and out, Until you got onto the roof and your leg gave out completely and you slipped and landed on the ground behind the team. A loud-ish thud was heard from behind the team so they checked to see what it was and it was you on the ground holding your leg to see if anything broke.

"Woah You okay L/n?" Tanaka Went over to see what was wrong, You looked at him and nodded got up and started to limp home since your leg didn't want to work. Daichi Looked at tanaka and Said "Fine Tanaka Go ahead" With an exasperated sigh afterwards.

Tanaka ran up to you and picked you up princess style from behind Causing you to freak the fuck out and almost punch him in the face. "Holy Shit! what was that for!" He yelled,   You spoke in an almost whisper "sorry you just scared me that's all". When you realized he was carrying you, your face went Cherry red as this was a little awkward.

"I know this is awkward but I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore than you already did" The Boy said. The rest of the way home you had your arms around his neck and you face Buried in his chest.

 Once you arrived at your doorstep you thanked him and went inside. Your Father saw you weren't wearing your cast and lectured you on it, Since the only reason you couldn't do gymnastics was cause of the injury.


It had been 2 weeks since you last showed up at the volleyball practice. The whole team was worried about if you had died or not. 

"Hey Kiyoko Do you know if L/n is okay? Its been awhile since we last saw her" daichi said concerningly,   "Oh her injury healed and she has been attending her own club practices" Kiyoko said calmly,  "HUH!? Really! Damn IT" Tanaka Yelled, "LANGUAGE TANAKA" Suga yelled while setting.


Y/n Pov

Damn why has this gotten so hard I did a wall jump not even 4 weeks ago! okay its okay lets just do a roundoff that simple. *insert a thud*, ahhh damn Stupid Tanaka! he just had to carry me home huh. "AHH STUPID FUCKIN SHAVED HEAD MOTHER FUCKER, Just had to  Carry me home" I yelled since I thought I was alone, I could feel my face heat up after I said that.

End pov


 You turned your head to see 2 second years and 3 third years were staring at you with wide eyed with their mouths slightly opened, you saw the attire and they were the boys volleyball team. You stood up and started cleaning the gym up so you could leave and avoid any confrontation. 

As soon as you finished cleaning up you put on some shorts and your team jacket so you didn't waste time getting dressed as you went to go close the storage you saw someone's hand slam against the door. You turned around and it was tanaka, you wanted to see if anyone was watching but they had left. 

"Uh-Uhm hi Tanaka" you said quietly, "So do you like me or not? your face says yes and but your words say no, Which is it Y/n" he said in a slightly angry tone. You could tell he was trying to stay calm.

"uh-hum well you see tanaka..." you started to trail off, When you noticed the expression on his face you started to back up into the storage room. You hit the back wall of the storage room, you needed to think of how to get out of this.

"Don't even think about trying to get out of this Y/n, I want an answer" He said with a slightly shaky voice, You could tell he was afraid of your answer and he wasn't angry with you but with himself and that's when you realized something... 

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now