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  You woke up as the bus stopped at karasuno, you noticed that it was dark out so you had assumed that you slept all day. You looked over at tanaka and he was sleeping just like you were. You woke him up to tell him that they were at karasuno, once awake he followed the rest of the team to the gym for some extra practice. You got set up in the cat walk and noticed that the window was still open so you closed it a little more since there was a breeze. You checked your phone for the first time all day since you were preoccupied with sleeping. just as you were about to open your phone your brother whips open the gym door scaring the crap out of everyone. 

Little did you know Tanaka informed your brother of the incident and when you guys were back.

"Where.is.she" Kenji said in a frightened/worried tone,daichi pointed towards the catwalk. you watched as Kenji climbed up the ladder to the catwalk, "are you okay?" kenji asked while walking over to you,  "yeah im fine... no physical bruises" you said in a whisper. Kenji sat next to you and hugged you from the side. you leaned into the hug knowing he was as worried as your parents probably were. Kenji looked at you and then your clothes.

"Where the hell are YOUR clothes! and who are these!" Kenji said really confused, "You guys took my bags with you so I ended up sleeping in the ones from yesterday" you said leaving out whose clothes they were. 

"Your not getting away with it Y/n whose clothes are they!" kenji said laughing a bit,  "ryus..." you said quietly. kenji's eyes widened and he burst out laughing because your face was now flush red.   "Race you home" kenji said with a sly smirk, you smiled back but as soon as kenji said that the teams eyes sparkled with excitement since they liked to watch the weird race you and kenji would do.

you got off the catwalk and waited for him to line up with you. "Aaaand START" daichi said laughing a bit. as soon as daichi said that you were out the door faster than kenji. you were almost home when you stopped abruptly in the middle of running your vision became blurry but you wanted to push through so you began running again. once you reached the door you slammed your hand onto it and once that was done you collapsed onto the steps of your home. you sat there catching your breath hoping the dizziness would stop. Kenji saw your expression and began to sprint to you and so did tanaka.

"y/n look at me... Breath....Come on" Ryu said out of breath panicking, Kenji opened the door while tanaka picked you up to get you inside, through the blurriness you saw your parents rush over to you. once you woke up you noticed you weren't at the hospital this time but in your room. you opened your eyes some more to get a better look of the room you got up and almost immediately fell back over but you were caught in someone's arms , you looked to see but there was really no reason to since it was obvious it was tanaka. he set you back down on your bed and handed you a bowl of curry.

"eat" Ryu said sleepily...

Sorry for not the usual long-ish chapter I can't come up with stuff but to make up for it I'll put some Lemoans in the next chapter XD  ~Author Guy

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now