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 The weekend was here, you were going to go hang out with the boys volleyball team. Though you were nervous you were also very excited to go. You woke up and immediately started getting ready. You got out of the shower and went to go get dressed.

  You decided to wear a graphic tee and some jeans. You walked downstairs to get some breakfast when all eyes were on you.

"Woah where do you think your going today!" Kenji said sarcastically not really expecting a response, "I'm going out with friends today" you said with a whisper just loud enough for your family to hear, " WAIT WHAT!" kenji gasped dramatically,  "what's going on you two why so loud?" Your mother spoke softly, "Y/n is going out with friends today and didn't bother to invite her big brother!" He spoke with some offense in his voice.

 After your family was done being dramatic your phone went off, It was Tanaka Asking if you were ready. You told your family goodbye as you were heading out the door, you opened it to see Tanaka waiting in front of it. Before you closed the door you heard you brother yell from the background "IS THAT A BOY!", You shut the door  grabbed Tanaka's hand and began to run to get away from your brother. 

"So you mind telling me who that is?" he laughed while we turned the corner,  "a-ah right that's my older brother Kenji, hes a third year at karasuno" you explained while still out of breath. when you were done explaining you heard your brothers footsteps behind you, "Fuck... really Kenji?" you said slightly annoyed, "what you think i'm gonna let my baby sister go off with a strange boy for a day!" he said dramatically as usual,  Tanaka Spoke up " U-uh Hi I'm Tanaka Ryunosuke, I'm part of the boys volleyball club" He said slightly afraid.

After your brother was done interrogating Tanaka he went back home. "ah s-sorry about that" you said sheepishly,  "Don't apologize Y/n I get it your his little sister, hes gonna be protective of you" Tanaka said that with confidence hoping he passed the test.


When you arrived to the park it was just you and Tanaka, "u-hm where is everyone?" you said pretty confused, "I-I don't know they were supposed to be here already" he said also very confused. While you too were debating where the hell everyone else was, The rest of the team was hiding behind a couple trees watching you both cause the only reason they did this was to get you two together alone.

 "U-uhm so do you want to continue without them?" He asked with a light blush,  "Uh-ahm s-sure why not" you mumble just loud enough for just him to hear. You both started to walk towards the little cafe you all were supposed to go to, The rest of the team silently pumped their fists.

"You guys we shouldn't of done this" daichi said while chuckling at noya since he was still pumping his fists,  "But Daichi! they would have never gotten together otherwise!" Noya said trying to defend the idea,  " I'm with Noya on this one, hes right they wouldn't of talked like this if we didn't *Ditch* them" suga said slightly disappointed with himself,  "Oh so your siding with them now" daichi said offended, " Guys! there leaving the cafe!!" hinata said trying to point it out.

 As you and Tanaka walked back to the park he kept looking away from you, "I-Uhm Tanaka are you okay?" you asked slightly concerned, "Y-ya i'm fine... you can just call me Ryu by the way" he said with a cherry blush.

When you both got to the park you sat on a bench and started talking about last night and the call.

"See I told you! their chatting it up!" Noya said still trying to prove a point, " okay okay you win noya but now its up to you to come up with an excuse for us" Daichi said with a devious smile. The rest of the group looked at daichi cause of the look on his face. He then told them it was supposed to get cold later and you weren't wearing a jacket and takana had 2 on trying to look cool.


Lone behold daichi was right, It got colder as the day went on, You pretended not to be bothered by it but you were secretly freezing, You thought you were doing a good job at acting until you felt tanaka shove something over your head. You pushed it down and it turned out to be one of the jackets he was wearing.

"You should check the forecast next time" He said with some worry in his voice not wanting you to get sick.


The sun was setting and you were a couple blocks away from each others houses, Your hands were cold still but weren't completely cold anymore. You felt tanaka touch your pinky as a sign he wants to hold your hand, you held his pinky and after a little bit your hands were actually holding. Noya took out his phone and took a picture of it as blackmail towards Tanaka, Daichi seeing what he was doing as well as asahi they both hit Noyas head with closed fists.

Once you arrived at your doorstep, tanaka was about to let go when you asked "D-do you want to stay for  dinner or to watch a movie maybe?" you mumbled, " U-uhm sure why not"he said cautiously. You opened the door to see that your brother was the only one home.

"Oh your home, WAIT....Its the boooy" He said with some great sarcasm in his voice, "Y-ya we were just gonna watch a movie up stairs" you said shyly,  "Nope. Not. Happening, Your not going to sit up in your room alone with a boy" he said trying to act responsible, "uhuh says the guy who has girls over constantly" you say with a piercing glare.

Completely ignoring your brothers words you led Tanaka up to your room.


Mid-way through the movie you fell asleep on tanaka without him realizing. You started to talk in your sleep.

"mm- tana-" you said silently in your sleep, "huh? ya y/n" he said completely oblivious to the fact you were asleep, " yo-" you cut yourself off by waking up.

You looked up to see Tanaka's blushing face, "hmm? y-ou okay" you asked with a sleepy voice, "I-I think you just confessed to me in your sleep..." he said flustered

Your eyes widen surprised at his words until he cupped your face and asked "Can I kiss you?"....   

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