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    As he stared into your sleepy eyes and asked you "Can I kiss you?" you brother walked in.

"Hey Dinners ready!" he said, He looked up to see both of you with blushing faces. "Did I walk in on something? why are you guy's so red" He smirked as he walked out of the room.

As soon as he leaves you say "yes" in a quiet voice, As soon as you said that Tanaka went in for a kiss as quickly as your lips were brought together they were parted almost as quickly after you heard your parents come home.

You and Tanaka both sat quietly at dinner, Your brother was Talking to distract your parents from both you and tanaka's faces. Tanaka went home after Dinner which gave you time to think about what had happened in your room.


The Next day at school you avoided anyone in the volleyball club including Tanaka. 

Tanaka's Pov

"I haven't seen her all day Noya!" I yelled,    "Well you did kiss right! She's probably overwhelmed or still recovering from the kiss!" Noya said confidently, I couldn't get her out of my head though I had liked kiyoko before there was just something about y/n, I can't describe it. I tried to sit out during practice but daichi wouldn't let me next thing I know I'm getting hit in the face during receive practice.

"you okay Tanaka you seem out of it today?" daichi asked concerned, "He Kissed Y/n and now He hasn't seen her all day!" Noya answered for me, The whole teams jaws dropped "Wait no way you kissed her! when" Suga asked with excitement,  "last night she invited me into her home for dinner after you guys ditched us" I answered with great annoyance in my tone.

Pov end  


As you watched the practice through the window you noticed they stop and Tanaka was on the floor, you were about to go see if he was okay but then they started talking about the kiss. once they finished you decided it was best to try and sneak in through the window again, You got onto the little hallway roof but this time it made a lot of noise. you heard the team go check out what it was. 

"Y/n you know you can just come through the door" Daichi said with some laughter in his tone,  "Just come down I-I'll catch y-you"Tanaka said hesitantly, You trusted him so you slid off the roof just incase. he caught you as expected but it was a little awkward cause of the kiss. 

He set you on the ground gently, while everyone went back inside he stayed out there with you. He grabbed your hand and led you to the club room for some privacy.

He pinned you against the wall, you could see the sadness and worry in his eyes. "w-why did you avoid me?" he asked in a shaky voice, "I-I'm sorry I've j-just never kis-" you were cut off by him pressing his lips against yours. You kissed back, he cupped your face while you held onto his neck. 

You both stopped kissing, he leaned his head onto yours. "Sorry for not asking" he said with a low chuckle. you stayed like that for awhile just enjoying the moment until the club room door opened, "Found them!" Hinata yelled to the rest of the team. Tanaka started to panic as he heard an angry daichi come up to the club room.

 The rest of practice Tanaka was getting pushed around by daichi, you chuckled at some of tanaka's reactions.   


After practice Tanaka offered to walk you home even though you lived next door to each other. halfway through the walk you grabbed his hand and started walking towards his house and not yours.

"Eh!? wait why did you turn around!" He yelled with confusion,  "I-if you couldn't tell I d-don't get much privacy at my house" you said with a cherry blush, he pulled you in close and said "you tryna pull something?! I mean if your in-into th-that I do-" you cut him off by kissing him but this time you tried to slip some tongue in, Tanaka took full control and kissed back and gave more tongue than you did. It became a moment, until you heard Noya from like 30 feet away yell "OH SHIT GUYS LOOK, TANAKA AND Y/N ARE MAKING OUT!". In that singular moment you have never felt more embarrassed in your life.

You slowly dropped to the ground covering your face. you heard everyone on the volleyball team freak out a little over what noya had just pointed out.

Tanaka walked over to Noya and started to yell at him a little in a joking manner. you looked up to see your older brother laughing at you.

"guess your not so innocent little sister, Already giving guys tongue" Kenji chuckled and said mom was looking for you and it was time to go. You said goodbye to the team and tanaka, Then walked the rest of the way home with your brother.

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now