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  As you watched tanaka and the rest of the team drive off to summer camp, you texted your dad to see if he could pick you up since you didn't feel like walking home. He arrived and you hopped in, "So do you have everything packed?" Your father asked    "Ya I think, I'll have to check when we get home" you said unsurely,  "Oh your cousin won't be there until the last day, Sorry hun",   "Ah Kenma plays Volleyball that's right!" you said remembering.  'how long has it been since I last saw that shrimp' you thought to yourself the rest of the way home.

   You went to your room and grabbed a couple things for the trip there and back. Once you were finished you went downstairs and put it with everybody else's bags and since you weren't leaving till tomorrow. "I GOT EVERYTHING" you yelled to your dad who was upstairs still, " WHY DO YOU YELL CHILD" Kenji yelled back. you scoffed at the fact that he asks why your yelling while he yells, you then hear from his room "OH Never Mind!" he says stupidly realizing what he just did.

 Your phone went off and it was Tanaka He had texted you asking if you wanted to call. You texted back agreeing to his offer, While on call he heard something fall but in reality it was just a loose book. 

"What was that? Are you okay? Are you hurt!?" Ryunosuke asked worried, You giggled at his reaction and said you were fine it was just a loose book.

Once you both hung up you went downstairs to eat dinner with your family.

"sooooo Hows your Boooyyfrieend" Kenji asked with a cheeky grin on his face, "Hes okay I was just on call with him" You said wanting to ruin Kenji's fun by answering calmly, He looked at you and frowned knowing you had won. Though on the inside you wanted to strangle him. 

"WOAH wait! you have a boyfriend!! Why didn't you tell me Y/n!" your mother said Dramatically, You glared at your brother, "We aren't official yet so I don't know why your freaking out" you say trying to keep composure, "Uhuh you guys looked official the other day I mean you were really gettin into that ki-" Kenji was cut off by you shoving his plate in his face making him shut up.

He Laughed and so did your mom and dad knowing you did your best to not strangle Kenji.


  It was the day of the trip, You put your bags in the car. Once everyone was in the car you started your long-ish drive to tokyo. You were excited to see your cousin even though he was always in his own world. once the driving part was just about done, While you were getting to your cousins house you saw the nekoma Highschool. You had planned on going there but you didn't make the entrance exams. You asked your parents to stop so you could go surprise your cousin a little early. 


  Once you got to the Nekoma gym you heard the squeaking of the shoes and the multiple hits of a volleyball falling or being hit. You looked into the gym waiting for Your cousin Kenma to realize you were there since he was super observant. Once 5 minutes had passed you started to wait for everyone to go on break which you assumed was soon since Team managers started to get waters for everyone.

Once break was upon all the teams you snuck in and once you were behind Kenma you lunged at him. Once you were both on the ground you both shared a chuckle and a small hug since it had been forever since you last saw each other.  

"Oya, Chibi~chan Why didn't you come say hi to meeee~" Said the tall boy with rooster like hair,   "Because I don't Talk to chickens" you said confidently and with some obvious attitude, You never really like Kurro Because he always acted like you were his girlfriend and even used you as a scapegoat from his parents which led to you beating his ass.

You and kenma started to talk about the new Mintendo games and which ones were actually good or not. You both liked the new Animal Crossing game though.

While you were talking you hadn't realized a certain delinquent child was watching.

"EEhhh?! what is she doing here!! and why is she talking to the Nekoma Team!?!" Tanaka said with jealousy in his voice,  "My question is why does she look so much like Kenma?" Sugawara said with confusion,   "I'm gonna go.... Uhm... Talk to her" tanaka said not remembering how to put a sentence together.

Once he was behind you he put his hands under your arms and carried you outside to talk to you. Everyone looked at this scene with so much confusion as you were as well since you didn't know who picked you up. Once you felt your feet on the ground you turned around to see who did it, But it was none other than Tanaka himself.

"So....how do you know the Nekoma team" he said with a hint of worry in his voice,  "ahh that's what this is about.. Their setter Kenma is my cousin" you said reassuring him,  "o-oh okay" Ryu said feeling extremely stupid,  "You know Ryunosuke its okay to be jealous or worried just don't let it get to your awesomeness" you said while going into a hug knowing full well that he was almost just like bokuto. You looked up to see a familiar Cheesy grin on his face, you laughed a bit and kissed him a little while he was smiling making his face turn as red as a Cherry. 

You both walked back inside holding hands which drew the attention of 2 team captains and one quiet setter.

"you didn't tell me you got a boyfriend" Kenma remarked as he was getting closer,  "YA COme oooon were like Family Y/n!..." Bokuto said drifting into emo mode,  Kuroo snickered to himself " And of all people its The overative wing spiker", You heard the slant in his voice making it seem he wanted to ruin the relationship you had, since you and Kuroo did date at one point.

Hearing that tone in his voice made you fuming, so you did the only rational option. You grabbed Tanaka's face and kissed it in front of everybody, pretty much announcing he was your boyfriend. The entire karasuno team who were only partially oblivious to the new found relationship. 

Daichi put his hand out towards Nishinoya and suga and pretty much the entire team since he knew you were going to do this. Once daichi Collected his money from suki,Noya, suga,Asahi,and Yams he divided it between the remaining team members...  

Sorry I don't Post A lot, Just to let you guys know I Made this chapter On 11/30/20 So everything pretty much sits in my drafts until I post. ~ Author Guy

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