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 It has been About 2 weeks since the incident in the gym. You started to become more shy over time, but the thing is you started to notice tanaka was in a lot of your classes. ou walked to the office to quit Gymnastics club cause it had lost your interest.

  You asked the teacher of your last class for a library pass so you could get to the gym earlier, as you went to go open the door it wouldn't open and that's when you realized it was locked. You sat in front of the door waiting for a bit until you got bored so you went to go get a drink from the vending machine not to far away maybe a couple feet away.

  As the juice box fell you heard talking from around the corner.  "Ahh Daichi do you think I over did it?" Tanaka Asked,    "Yes Tanaka you did" Daichi responded with no remorse,  "Ya tanaka you could've been a lot more gentle!" Said Suga who was right next to daichi.

You thought to yourself on why Tanaka was still thinking about it.  "I mean she left class early and she's not here!" He exclaimed,   "Tanaka she asked for a library pass she's probably there" Suga Told, "But suga she went the OPPOSITE way of the library! where else could she be!" The boy exclaimed to his friends.

You laughed a bit as you went to hide behind the vending machine since they were nearing the corner. As they walked up the stairs to the club room you went to go see if they had unlocked the gym, and to your surprise they did. You wanted to be nice so you set up the net and balls for them not knowing with they'd need much else. You left a sticky note on the net saying "Your welcome!" with a little thumbs up drawing.

Today was different because you decided to not sit on the catwalk cause they knew where you sat so you decided to sit on the stage but you were slightly behind the curtain this time, You remembered you never gave Tanaka a straight answer but if you were being honest with yourself you didn't have one.

  You could see the disappointment in Tanaka's eyes as he looked up at the catwalk. As you were sipping on your juice box your uncle walked in and started yelling directions. It surprised you a bit but it also explained a lot, He seemed happier and more nostalgic recently so it all clicked together finally.

  Your uncle placed himself against the stage right in Front of your view, So you just stared at him intensely until he moved which is what you always did. He started to twitch a little at the feeling of being watched as you tried your best not to laugh.

 He looked behind him and screamed at the top of his lungs since he had no idea you were here. You burst out laughing, The whole team looked behind them to see what had happened since this was weird. Daichi Looked at you and smiled, He went of to Tanaka, Nudged him and pointed to you.

 His face lit up a bit as he saw you, He continued to practice spikes and receives. While everyone was still laughing a bit about what you did to Coach Ukai/ your uncle he proceeded to lecture you on it.


Practice had ended so you grabbed your stuff and began to walk home. You heard an extra pair of footsteps behind you, so you looked and lone behold it was tanaka.

 "uh-uhm Hey L/n" He said slightly sheep like, "h-hey Tanaka" You answered,  "you Know you never answered my question" he said with more confidence in his tone,  "y-yeah I k-know, I-I'm Sorry to s-say but I d-don't have an a-answer" you said with some fright in your tone. 

"I-I'm sorry if I scared you then" He said, "Its fine ryu-Tanaka" you say sheepishly. He looks at you with slightly red cheeks and Invites you to a club hangout that weekend.

You got home and immediately went up stairs to scream into your pillow.

"GOD Y/N COULD YOU SHUT UP!" your brother yelled from his room, "KNOCK IT OFF KENJI AND Y/N!" your father yelled at you both from the downstairs. Afterwards you heard some slight laughter in the house.

 Your phone went off as the laughs died down, It was tanaka he asked if everything was okay since he heard yelling come from your house.


Is everything okay?


Ya everything is fine my brother is being dumb again

Your conversation with tanaka soon became a phone call. As the hours went by you looked at the clock for it to see 1AM. you laughed and began to hear small snores come from the other side of the phone.

The weekend was soon approaching and you didn't know what to do...

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now