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  It had been what 3 Days since you kissed Tanaka in front of everybody. When you opened your door Tanaka wasn't there you got worried but you thought he had morning practice but he just wasn't there at all. During your last class before lunch you looked at your phone to see a text from Tanaka. They were at the prelims! Once your class ended you Ran off school property and to the nearest bus stop that went as close as it could go to Sendai city gym or whatever.

Once you got there it was about 1:25, You ran inside and onto the bleachers waiting for their next game to start. You saw them walk onto court, They were going up against Date tech. You found Tanaka and saw he looked a little down, Probably cause you missed the first game.

You shouted which was unusual behavior for you, "TANAKA...KICK SOME ASS" you shouted at the team. Tanaka Looked happier when he saw you, but takeda wasn't happy at the fact you were here and not in school.

The first set was taken by Karasuno they just needed to take the 2cnd set and they'd win! you looked over to see the Karasuno girls volleyball team. They seemed nice but you didn't want to bother with them. You were here for Tanaka and to see him Kick ass.

The second set was almost over it looked like date tech was catching up, Asahi took the last point for the set, Karasuno had won! against Date tech!.

They Celebrated their win against the Iron wall known as date tech. you met up with the team in the hallway they were sitting in before getting onto the bus.

"A-ah you guys d-did great!" you said trying your best not to stutter,  "You know you should be in school young lady" Takeda sensei said slightly disappointed at the fact I skipped school. "o-oh uhm so-" you were cut off by tanaka hugging you.

"Thanks for coming!" he gave you a his usual smile but he kept hugging you.

"uh-m ryu I-I appreciate th-the hug but your re-really sweaty" you laughed a bit a he let go and now your sweater smelled like sweat and volleyball. Ryu apologized and said it was fine. You all got on the bus, you sat next to Ryu. halfway through the ride most of the boys including tanaka were sound asleep.

Once you got back to the school you checked your phone to see 15 missed calls from Kenji. You called him back and he yelled at you, "OH SHUT IT KENJI YOU DIDN'T CALL ME BACK FOR 3 DAYS ONCE!" you and your brother began bickering like 3 year olds back and fourth. while you were yelling at your brother the team was just watching this happen since they had never really seen this side of you.

You decided to hang up on your brother so you wouldn't get anymore of a headache than you already had. The boys did some basic practice with receives, spikes and all that, You were watching from the catwalk enjoying the lunch that you had missed.

 The boys stopped when they heard someone angrily knock on the gym door. Daichi opened it to see your brother in shorts and a graphic tee, you assumed that he drove here to beat you up for hanging up on him.

"" Kenji sounded like he was ready to pop, the team pointed towards the catwalk, "REALLY!! your gonna rat me out like that" you said sarcastically, "Hey Kenji!" he looked at you, "I'll race ya" you said that in a devious tone your brother had veins popping from his head "fine if I win I get to Kick your ass" he said, "And If I win You can't Kick my ass" you said in a slightly worried tone.

You stood up from eating your lunch you saw your brother start to climb the ladder to the catwalk. Once he was all the way up you jumped off the catwalk and onto the gym floor, you winced in pain since your leg was still recovering. you bolted out the door as soon as you landed the team wanted to keep watching so they took it as an endurance exercise. you were almost to your house when you saw your brother was gaining a lead on you. You used your last drop of energy to make it to your door.

Of course you made it but it wasn't official until you touched the door. so to taunt your brother you were gonna wait until he was all most there to touch the door, or at least that's what you thought you were gonna do.


 You opened your eyes to see a blank white ceiling, you heard the steady beep of the heart monitor. you sat up a bit to see who was in the room. but you were alone in the room, you checked your surroundings once more and saw a couple flowers in a vase but they were all pink and you didn't favor that color. It hit you as soon as you saw the card next to the flowers. your eyes started to well with tears. 

Your family walked in as you had began to cry. "We thought it was best to break it to you slowly but I guess that not possible" your father said with red puffy eyes. your brother walked over to you and told you to scooch over so you did. he laid down next to you and began hugging you with tears in his eyes.

"I-I'm sorry Y/n.." Kenji said with a shaky voice, "Kenji its not your fault you dumbass" you laughed while saying such.


your parents then later asked you if you wanted chemo or surgery to take em off. You chose to take them off because there was less risk of it coming back. your parents scheduled the surgery with the doctors, you and your small little family had some fun the rest of the day. You layed in the hospital bed when you got a text from tanaka asking if he could come in. You looked at your hospital door and said " Come on in" your voice was a little raspy since you were sleepy still.

Tanaka walked in and sat down next to you,   "I'm going into surgery tomorrow" you said with a smile, " That's great" Ryu said slightly muffled since he was trying to hide his tears. You lifted his head a bit to face you. You looked at him and smiled, you kissed his forehead and whispered to him and only him "its okay to cry.. you have to let it out somehow right?", he went in for a kiss when your parents opened the door....

Catwalk (Tanaka x Reader) LemonyWhere stories live. Discover now